Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Honestly — not the worst thing I've ever eaten. Definitely edible.

Fuck, I'd probably eat that.

The A.V. Club

My tummy hurts.

I find the Liz-as-Decider subplot pretty funny, but it's not enough to make it a strong episode.

I've got a three-year-old HP that lags when I open two Chrome windows, so… Eh, fuck it, maybe I'll just give it a shot.

Anyone know if these will ever be available on console? My laptop sucks and the Lady Balls and I can't afford a decent gaming computer.

Having to launch a proton torpedo basically immediately when you enter the mission and blast full-speed towards some TIE Bombers or automatically lose your escortees — no, I don't remember that one.

To goad them into doing something stupid, like trying to storm their camp.

I have really loved the way the show has played out these last few episodes, but I still came away from this one with a retread of a persistent complaint: it's often hard to feel like the main characters are in any actual danger. I was just getting to know/like Bob, so I was sad to see him go (even loving his visceral

While on a cross-country drive from Washington, DC, to Seattle, a friend convinced us to stop in Butte, Montana to eat at a famous Pas-tee shop there. Got a bunch of minis and gravy to dip them in. They were really good, but I didn't really get the obsession with them that my friend displayed.

Meat is the new bread!

Or betrays his close friends, THEN dies.

*Sean Bean suffocates on Martian surface*

I think he was wearing jeans, and I'm pretty sure it was a Glock, which doesn't have a traditional safety (the safety is essentially part of an articulated trigger). So that's pretty smart. Holsters can be 10 or 20 bucks, you know.

Insubordinate! And churlish!

Unless the plaintiff's attorney was on contingency, I guess. Besides, who counts their gold anymore? I usually put it in an oversized vault and swim in it.

Hey, I love informations! Where do I click, again?

Put it in "H"!

Is the clown proactive?