Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I assure you, Lebanon is real. It's where my Canadian girlfriend from summer camp lives!

I was in Lebanon for a couple months last fall. I spent a summer there in 2007, too. Things last year were really tense, but everyone's main worry was stuff from Syria spilling over. Lots of retaliatory attacks between the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and Hezbollah. It was really sad to see the country have changed so much

I quote that line frequently when my wife and i are going out to a nice restaurant. It's going to be a little sad to rewatch those episodes now. RIP.

And a lot of my friends who were in the Marine Corps never shut the fuck up about the Chosin Few, which is a pretty badass story, to their credit.

*Looks at program disappointedly*

My law school used that case, and the book written about it, for our intro civil procedure course.

Varsity Blues wasnt that bad. I saw it in the theater and liked it enough to get the VHS (damn, son, you old) in the used bin at Blockbuster (id.).

I use the Out of Milk app for our grocery list and to do list. The grocery list section is awesome. Both my wife and I can add to the same list online or through the app.

It comes with your choice of toppings.

"Tom Hanks is sponsoring a concert for veterans!"

Regular 6, drunk 7. 10/10 would bang

Oh, and the episode of 30 Rock where Liz finds out Floyd is getting married outside her building and she tells Jack, "I know I'm a sour person, and I don't like a lot of people. But I liked Floyd, and I sort of always thought we'd end up together." *sings her Michael McDonald song* I was going through the break-up of

@Erik Adams, I too, cried (not the wracked weeping of a Celtic widow, but just had to wipe away tears) in the opening sequence of Up. And I'm a former US Army airborne infantryman. I was on one of my first dates with my future wife, and happened to have just recently had my heart broken pretty bad, so I wasn't too

In college, I drove this beat-up Jeep Cherokee that only had a tape deck. So I scrounged up a bunch of my old tapes (mostly Beastie Boys and Metallica) and stole some of my little sister's, too. One of hers happened to be Songs From and Inspired By Dawson's Creek.

Oh, I still groaned and yelled at the TV a couple of times.

Well, they could have lead-ins from more popular shows with dedicated fanbases like Always Sunny and The League. You're right, though, that the fucking channel itself is ridiculously hard to find. I had to "favorite" it on Xfinity because I always had to use the fucking search function to find the channel.

I missed the real-time discussion for You're the Worst on the boards here, but that was my favorite new comedy of the year. Glad to see it's found a place to crash at the lovable, medium-attractive alcoholic slut of networks, FXX.

Pretty soon, wealthy, altruistic easterners are going to be spending a semester abroad vaccinating poor Angelino children. All those J Crew Kids sleeves being rolled up. It will be an experience they'll never forget.

I'm stifling laughter at work and pretending to research franchise law while reading through the snark here, but dammit, I'd watch this movie. I mean, you could have Obi Wan be like one of the original partisans, blowing up space-dams and space-railroads like some space-Force 10 From Navarone. And maybe there's a sexy

I'm fed up with this star war!