Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Hey, that PhD in Political Science wasn't useless after all!

Every discussion of terrible foods and soul-deadening blackness inevitably draws in Guy Fieri and True Detective.

Based on an unsustainable agricultural model?

Increases your chances of contracting Kaposi's Carcosa by 23%.

Thanks. That's a helpful description.

Hm, I always thought my Burger King shits weren't black enough. Problem solved!

I thought that maybe she is Mormon and FB is trying to get her to date a nice LDS boy with the magic underwears. Or it could just be more anti-Mormon propaganda from the lamestream media.

I'd never heard of the show before, either, and I'm right in their sweet, sweet demo, also, so I'm also curious what the conceit of the "reality" portion of the show is. How are people eliminated? Are there cash and prizes?

My wife and I considered it when I was going to the Middle East without her for a couple months last year. We ultimately decided against it, but having something to tide me over was pretty tempting.

Be it Resolved: references from Family Guy seasons 1-3 are permissible on the AV Club.

The Lady Balls and I just caught up on You're the Worst. I'm really liking it so far; it manages to tread a sentimental line without being schmaltzy, for the most part. My wife probably got tired of me griping about the portrayal of veterans in pop culture, though Edgar is not the worst I've seen, by far. The writers

*presciently rolls up pant legs*


Late to the party, so I don't know if they'll see this, but I wanted to thank Millennial Historian, @adelequested:disqus, and (I think?) @wafflicious:disqus (hope I'm not missing anyone else) for their encouragement a couple weeks ago when I was considering (and torn about) going back to my old job in law enforcement.

I'm not sure it was "shrapnel" — I just thought we were bullshitting about a game I haven't played for over ten years and I wasn't too worried about being absolutely accurate in my assessment of my virtual cause of death. =)

Oof, yeah. They do fine in Seattle but the southern climate would be awful for them, I'd think.

Hey, it's happening to me, too! I just now realize that I've been mixing up the names of some of the maps.

Is that like a Straight Bait?


That was one of our favorites, too! Though after a while we switched to lowered-health instead of one-shot kills to avoid the absurdity of a shrapnel flake killing you instantly.