Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Agreed. I was conscripted into seeing an outdoor showing with the Lady Balls a couple of weeks ago and some of his scenes made me laugh out loud. And not because they were "funny" scenes. I groaned at the "funny" scenes.

Yeah, it's really not a good map for two players. You need three or preferably four for it to be any fun.

I used to play this game a lot in college with two different social groups. One group, the stoners from my dorm, were very, very good, with one guy probably winning 80% of the matches. I'd usually nab second place or the occasional first. It was always a slog in those matches and heatedly contested when our most

No, she was actually in the vanguard calling for ordination of female pastors! She refuses to see any similarities between that and the ordination of LGBT pastors (which she vigorously opposes). It makes my wife's brain hurt.

I'm glad that got sorted out. That sounds really painful.

Ah, ok! I stand corrected.

My wife's parents (read: instigated by MIL) threatened to abruptly stop helping pay for her undergrad when my wife stopped going to youth group. She had the stones to basically say fuck you and reverse disown them, but she still has really painful memories of that. She's had several run-ins with them along those

The family of one of the the Lady Balls' good friends has three — they're great family dogs with sweet dispositions, but they're HUGE (and fluffy). We've had our lab puppy over to their house a few times and they get along swimmingly. And I get the impression they shed a lot. They have their house cleaned


Where's Idiotking? I think he knows.

Isn't that a Dan Brown novel?

Chasing beers with beer
Sorta like dessert

Oh, yes, for sure. And it's so distractingly CGI when the rest of the scene is done perfectly well with practical effects.

And on his Facebook profile picture he's blowing deathstick rings and the caption says "killin jedis urryday cuz I don't give a FUCK"

Yes, I am a dude.

Dammit, I like you, Scrawler. That is all. =)

The Lady Balls and I had a housewarming party on Friday and my wife's uncle got us a Google Chromecast device. I was skeptical at first — most of what it can do we can do with the Xbox Live account. But it was really, really cool and I can see myself using it a lot to play random youtube videos and music through

"the actually popular prequel actor"

Yeah, a ton of the problems with the franchise can probably be attributed to GL's ego.

I actually liked a lot of the late '90s remastering stuff. The space battle scenes, etc., looked really great, I thought. Some of the details I could've done without, especially the whole Greedo shooting first (seriously, even if Han did shoot first, he was totally justified — Greedo was pointing a fucking blaster at