Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I think you can safely worry less about how well you communicate. I'm a little drunk on Scotch, so I considered skipping over your post, as it was a little long, but it was very well-written and heartfelt. You captured much of what I think is saddening about RW's death but could not eloquently put into words. Well

There's an artisan popcorn place in my neighborhood in Seattle. My wife and I walked past it and I said, "That's dumb. It'll be closed by the end of the year."

Your prejudice against the British race is well-documented, sir. GOOD DAY.

I did always hope/think they were going to do more with the Temple/Tunnels. I had a theory that the Others were able to travel throughout the Island/time by portals in the Tunnels, which, as we saw, was not correct.

That's Jack's tragedy, too, of course. His mania destroys his relationship with his father, his wife, Kate, numerous others, but makes him the perfect person to battle pure evil with utter confidence and keep all of life as we know it from imploding hatch-style.

Yeah, I think he gave a modern standard-issue Army compass with an azimuth sight to Sayid. The one he eventually exchanged with Richard was different. Don't quote me, though.

I agree with you up until your last point. I didn't ever really think the Island played him; it healed his paralysis and he was in tune with it in a way few of the other Losties were. In fact, rewatching the first season, he seems more right about what the Island is than anyone. But MIB exploits his connection to the

Yeah, he does the *slowly takes off glasses* when he sees Kate again, right?

Season 5 is my least favorite. I found it all a bit too sci-fi cutesy when I was watching week to week, although there are some great individual plot points in that season. And there was stuff I was hoping for more of: more background on the Orchid would've been cool, for one, and I'm sure there are others I just

I think I've actually seen more heat on online forums for people who unironically enjoyed the finale than otherwise. Maybe we're both just finding our confirmation bias, though.

During my first semester of law school in 2010, my favorite professor dropped a Lost reference. I was stoked and went and talked to him about it after class. He even said how he didn't like the finale; fine, I loved it, but I don't expect everyone to feel the same. But then I was heartbroken when he said, in all

Aw, that's how I felt, too, and why I'm probably not going to dive into the discussion on these episodes. But I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the later episodes!

So, I don't torrent as it would give me a Liz Lemon-level rule-breaking guilt complex, but for some reason I can do the mental workaround buying pirated DVDs overseas. Call it, "When in Beirut/Mosul." I caught up on Community last fall while in the Middle East doing that — only $1 per disc! But I didn't want to bring

Red Dawn!

No shit, I had an Army buddy whose nickname was Redbone. And not for the reason you'd think, although he did have pretty low standards for what he'd stick his dick into.

High-functioning depressive, I like that. When I told my doctor about my severe depression in 2009, she was surprised I was still holding down a job and not curling up in a ball in my apartment. To be fair, though, I would break down in tears as soon as I got home from work and put my gear away. I was mostly just

When I was 12, my mom found a poem of mine in which I expressed some suicidal ideation. I had a steak knife right next to the journal. I too, was well-liked, at least moderately athletic, and intelligent. She immediately put me in therapy. I'm glad she did, too. I've had occasional suicidal thoughts since then, but no

I've gone through similar stuff, Jordo. I'm pretty sure you were depressed, even clinically so, but I'm not a professional so I can't say for certain.

My wife doesn't (or didn't) particularly enjoy oral, either. I've only gone down on her a few times in the five years we've been together. I really, really like giving oral (and receiving!) so it was one of the only bummers in our otherwise-good sex life. I eventually divined that a lot of it was insecurity about