Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls


My life got exponentially better after I decided not to pursue "maybes" anymore.

*yelling at cloud intensifies*

"No, no. Jenna doesn't do those commercials anymore. She got fired."

There's a supercut of just Tracy's scenes that's pretty great, though you're right that the movie itself wasn't good.

My wife and I just watched that episode today, and I thought the same thing. Right around the time that I started wondering what they ever did with that friendship thread, they had that episode where Liz meets her "new best friend" in the Barnes & Noble bathroom.

The "MY LASAGNA, NERMAL!!!" bit cracks me up every time. I frequently use that youtube clip for various purposes.

It's the Lady Balls' and my go-to for long car/plane rides. We've probably listened to it five times. We especially appreciate her tips on "how to raise an achievement-oriented, drug-free, adult virgin" and plan on incorporating them into our parenting.

"I'm going to take a nap. See you in ten hours."

Ha! I actually just experienced that in Michigan, though I think they came by it honestly. Though I went to the Lady Balls' reunion at Stanford a couple years ago and remarked how I'd never seen so many rich tech guys in blazers, jeans, and sneakers.

That Tina Fey quote, and reassuring us that the grades will improve with the later episodes… it's like you anticipate some kind of AV Club backlash or something.

Arabic joke! Blammo!

I always mess with my wife when she wears tennis shoes with her dress pants when she goes to work. But I'm basically just pirating Jack's jokes about Liz's footwear.

Yeah, I'd give it a B-, at least. Really the only joke I still actively dislike is the belching kid on the NBC tour. Every time I rewatch it I just shake my head. Were they trying to grab a Family Guy demographic with that? I mean, what?

That's the best presentation I've ever seen.

Ha, ok. I wasn't totally sure it was one of "theirs" but was too unmotivated to research it. =)

Go to the Middle East — basically every fast-food wrap you can buy has at least the option of being stuffed with french fries. It's actually really good, but you have to have a good sauce:fry ratio or it's too dry.

Well, there is the response to the quote I posted above:

"Even though I am… not into the sex stuff, if it helps you, I would let you… do stuff to me."

I really do love the first few episodes of 30 Rock. I still quote a lot of the jokes — especially "I'm not on crack. I'm straight-up mentally ill! I've got mental health issues." But you're right to point out that those first few episodes depicted a show that didn't know how weird it was, like a nerd hiding an