Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I know that story, objectively, seems a little mundane, but goddamn if I don't love it.

I'm very sorry about your wife. I can't imagine.

I have a couple buddies who met him when he was on a USO tour in Iraq. Said he was a great guy, really personable.

I'm Methodist and often call our church "Catholic Lite." I thought I was pretty clever, but I'm sure I just subconsciously poached from Mr. Williams.

I've actually never seen that one. The Lady Balls and I have already decided to watch Good Willing Hunting tonight, but maybe we'll add that to the list.

I posted this upthread, but this scene always stuck with me in Good Will Hunting.

It saddens me whenever someone falls to the darkness, whether that's someone famous or one of the 22 veterans who commit suicide every day. I've battled severe depression myself a few times during my life and had friends commit suicide. I pray I never reach the day where I feel like I've gone too far to come back.

Oh yeah! That's where I'm from. I forgot that's where it was set.

Great. Thanks!

I just found some of my old 2nd Edition books from the 90s at my parents' house and have been thinking about starting a new campaign up. (The founding players of this campaign would be a lawyer and a surgeon. There's a joke there somewhere). Did you play 2ED? I'm wondering whether getting the new books would be worth

Ugh, you'll have a lot of fun with S3 of GoT, then. I'm a cold(ish) cynic and it was rough for me. My wife could barely watch it.

I keep my balls close to the vest, as it were. Is that a saying? It must be.

I'd consider this a lesson in knowing your market. Despite our reliance on Disqus(TM)(DIAGF) we're a relatively tight-knit community. We come here — here, specifically, a lot of us — to discuss pop culture, tell jokes, and mercilessly fuck with each other. We don't like people coming onto the comment boards to spam us.

Welp, I sort of need a new laptop, anyway, which is sort of funny?

Funny gifs* lol wtf

Wait, I wasn't supposed to click on those???!!


Does your cousin's friend's roommate drive a Lexus, by chance?

Yeah, but how does Hodor fit into this?

I was thinking When You Someone, but Dawes seems to be the most obvious choice.