Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls


The Lady Balls and I went to an outdoor sing-along showing of Mamma Mia in Seattle last night. When I first heard that I had been conscripted into such service, my eyes nearly became stuck at the zenith of their roll, Liz Lemon-style. But… it was surprisingly fun. In typical Seattle fashion, everyone refused to sing

I feel like I should point out the dead link to Kayla's Outlander reviews. Help me help you, AV Club!

Holy shit, yeah. Even as a relatively in-shape, ostensible adult, I could probably still polish off an entire box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch today. CTC was not long for the world in our house (even though my parents wouldn't let us get sugary cereals until I was about 9 or 10).

Aww, I wish I was well-read enough to get that reference.

*scribbles down notes*

This reminds me. I need to finish my X-Files fanfic in which Milana Vayntrub and Joel McHale fight a dirt monster and then have to take a bath under the stern and watchful eye of Dr. Dana Scully. They have to wash properly or they also turn into dirt monsters.

If you're ever in Seattle, hit me up for a beer or twelve. Brah.

I thought you said we had that youtube commenter leak contained!

Holy shit. That's 34.3 grams. One crack rock is about 0.1 grams. That episode would be a Lovecraftian-level nightmare.

Your hair! It's like a golden… shower? I'm so stoked to be here right now!!!

So that's what that license plate means!

My God.

*Steps into debris-littered room, looks around at dead comments*

I don't understand what's happening in this thread, but it's hilarious.

Agreed. Making S4 was kind of like a pop culture boil-lancing. I'd happily watch another season, but it's not something that will spin people up like the talk about S4 did.

The sex offender jokes were pretty golden. The obvious joke when Isla Fisher's kid jumps in the pool is for all of them to get creepy-eyed. The scripted reaction (they all suddenly disappear) was more realistic and funnier.

My eyes glazed over at first and I was ready to move on until I realized that the spambots never tell us they're spambots. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile.

I managed to spread it out over a humane watching schedule, mostly because it was released when a) the Lady Balls and I were driving cross-country from Washington, DC to Seattle, and b) almost as soon as I arrived I had to start studying for the bar exam. So I think that helped.

I liked S4, but you're right, the George Sr. episodes seemed interminable at times.