Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Second. That's probably my favorite episode of Season 4.

On my first watch episodes 1-(maybe)4 were a slog, but I like them more and more on rewatching. I think most of them are pretty solid, now, with the jokes in the initial episodes getting better by being informed by having watched the later ones a few times. (I realize that's not a super accessible format for a show.

He's not that old!

Victim is dead.

I was thinking the same thing, or, that maybe he has a loose definition of "friend."


Stop posting shit like that. It's unprofessional.

That's one of the things I loved about working in law enforcement. There were a couple of sexist male types, but they learned to keep their traps shut really quick. We used to rag on each other A LOT and it didn't matter what sex you were. Maybe my group was self-selecting, though, as a lot of the women in my unit

My main employment experiences have been:

I dunno the exact logistics, but they used to do this shit at my law school. Have puppies in the lobby during reading week. At first I was like, "What the fuck kind of over-coddled millennial bullshit is this?" But then I was like, "Puppies!!!!!11!!1"

Wait, wait, wait. So if they're trying to make it feel like it's 1985, NBC is only 12 years away from making it 1997 again through science or magic!

One of the first times we hung out she actually had dyed her hair reddish with that washable hair dye. Trickery, I tells ya!

Solitude is one of my favorite books. Enjoy.

How to be Your Dog's Best Friend by the New Skete Monks. Skete, Skete, Skete!

Just a little light summer reading, I see.

(I'll enter the caveat here that family law is not my specialty and I'm going off my bar review notes)

That's pretty similar to mine. One of my older brother's friend's girlfriends seduced me. It was all very unseemly.

*Puts arm around Montypark*

Also, I wanted to say that when I was in my mid-twenties, in the Army, and in my sexual checklist phase, I always wanted to fuck a woman in her mid- to late-30s (the age/experience difference was key — my wife's in her mid-30s, too, but that doesn't count). That and the hot punk/tattooed/indie girl I never managed to

Ha, I think that's the second time I've used that joke this week.