Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Agreed. I have military experience and speak Arabic, but I'm automatically DQ'd from the FBI and DEA because of drug history. I lost a job offer to be a prosecutor because of self-disclosed prior drug use in my background investigation (even though I'd done a federal prosecutorial internship in law school). It's

Speaking of which, what do you think Superman would use for lube? I'm thinking axle grease.

Most states are no-fault divorce jurisdictions, so infidelity doesn't matter a ton in the division of property/setting of spousal maintenance payments. Abusiveness, however, could help her in getting custody of children (if there are any) and getting a protection/no-contact/restraining order or the like.

Because he's probably groomed her from the time she was a teenager and he was always the more sophisticated manipulator (I'm extrapolating here). And she's been with him so long that she's internally normalized his behavior, which he is probably telling her is normal (over and over), too.

Could you tell the feds that? They've rejected my application a couple times because of prior drug use. =)

Thanks. That's genuinely nice to hear. It's hard not to feel like a failure when you put in as much work as I did, do well, and then have nothing to show for it. My old colleagues have been really supportive of me coming back, but even there it's hard not to think about the fact that they all now have four more years'

Actual LOL.

Eh, my first time was actually pretty horrible. As was my second time, now that I think about it.

In that part of the house, at that time of night, wearing an argyle sweater? C'mon, he wanted it.

The job had its good and bad moments. Seeing that kid get 180 days on a parole violation for the tall boy incident was fucking gold. But then he gets out and breaks her nose. We were also in a position to help people who were ready to change, which was unfortunately pretty rare. I went to law school to get away from

Strong work!

Ahem, yes. I also need the information. For… a survey. For the Ranford Group.

Ugh, I'm sorry you had to go through that. And I'm glad you got out.

Thanks to the people who piped in the other week about the Lady Balls' situation with her high school friend who is getting married to a guy who wanted her to get rid of her two cats (that she has had for at least 7 years). Intel says that he has backed down for now, but it still makes me super skeptical of this guy.

Yeah, I'm 35 (and married) and the most I can manage is memorizing what they look like for later.

Yeah, that's the analogy I was thinking of, too — the way DV abusers or sexual predators select victims based on the abuser's perception of their pliability. That sounds pretty spot on in this case. This is a pretty exploitative relationship.

That's exactly it, though. He married someone too young to know he was manipulating her into what he felt he was entitled to.

Yeah, the wife and I consider the one in Ballard our go-to burger joint. We're not into paying $17 for some trying-too-hard gastropub burger, and Woody's really is super good. Their milkshakes are fucking great, too.

Nah, I got it off Netflix when I still had the DVD plan 6 or 7 years ago. I'll keep my eye out for that one, though.

I promised that I wouldn't post any of my erotic friend fiction on the AV Club. Sorry.