Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Huh, maybe I should give it another try. And be more drunker next time.

My sources tell me it's a hell of a drug.

Okay, that's pretty fucking sweet. Although the dialogue is embarrassing.

My parents' official policy was no R-Rated movies until I was like 13 or so. But my feral cousins in Florida had no such rules, so I watched Aliens while visiting them when I was 9 or 10. I think that might be the origin of my deathly fear of spiders (facehuggers, man).

Goddamn if seven-year-old LTC Balls didn't think the animated Transformers was one of the best movies ever made, and this song one of the most inspirational ever penned. And I was elated every time it wasn't checked out at the video store. It was one of those movies I begged my parents to rent almost every weekend

Yeah, my wife and I were in Bellingham for a weekend in May and it's changed a lot since I lived there. Even thought about dropping by the RR for old time's sake (I used to go there A LOT). I was sad to see that Cellophane was gone, but the Lil' Cheerful is still there. Took the wife there for breakfast. Boundary Bay

Dude. I moved to Bellingham in 1997. Did you work at the RR there?

My parents have a chocolate, also. They say she's the best dog they've ever had (we grew up with two yellows and a mutt). Sweet disposition and acts as matriarch to their new labradoodle. It's pretty adorable.

No! I refuse to answer this question with a list. It's insulting.

I dunno. I have a 9-week-old yellow lab puppy that was pushing his bunny toy around like a swiffer the other day.

Huh, I actually didn't know that. I think I probably have some misplaced west-sider elitist feelings towards Yakima. Part of that might stem from when I used to work for a state law enforcement agency and a lot of our state-wide critical incident alerts came out of Yakima (vatos and other guys shooting and/or stabbing

Jesus, you worked at a Red Robin in Yakima?! My heart aches for you.

Are we both Washingtonians?

Which is even worse, considering we've created an extra meal to account for the extra calories of poison we ingest for fun.

Ah yes, I forgot the disproportionately hot waitresses in addition to bro-ey waiters.

Lil' Woody's, locations in Ballard and Capitol Hill. One of the few places you can get a decent burger for <8 bucks (I know, still a tiny bit on the spendy side).

Question: at the Red Robin in the town where I went to college, the wait staff (which included a bunch of my college/high school friends) seemed dominated by snowboarder/skateboarder guys, if you can imagine the type. Was it the same at your location? I'm doing a survey for the Ranford Group.*

As it turns out, no, no it is not. But my 21-year-old brain thought that I would appear to be some sort of wizard. "You desire a Bailey's Boppin' Milkshake, my sweet? Fear not. My minions will prepare it for you." I was fucking stupid.

*imagines Marie McCrae selling molten chocolate lava cake*

There's a local burger joint in Seattle (AWESOME burgers) that has a menu item called "Crack." It's a little four-ounce cup of milkshake and a bag of fries. I'd be addicted to the crack, but the fries are the fresh-cut, limp variety and the shake melts too quickly for it to measure up to the Wendy's combination.