Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

It also has a decent local multiplayer function and was straightforward enough for my wife (whose gaming expertise doesn't extend much past Wii Fit) to pick up competently on low difficulty. Good if you have a significant other you'd like to game with but who probably wouldn't be into FPS or the like.

Speaking of which, I found The Lays of Beleriand in a box at my parents' house recently. I devoured that thing a decade ago, but I wonder if I'll just have to reread LotR first as a warm-up and then jump back into the fringe stuff.

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I just picked up Lost in Shangri-La by Mitchell Zuckoff. It's about a U.S. Army aircraft that crashed in New Guinea during WWII and the paratrooper rescue team that went in to get the survivors. Haven't read it yet (it's third in the queue right now). It's billed as

Trying to finish America's Great Game, a so-far well-researched, engaging, and remarkably personal look at the CIA's first "Arabists" who operated in the Middle East during World War II with the various proto-CIA entities and later worked in that area as case officers. After that, moving on to a modern look at the use

Trying to finish America's Great Game, a so-far well-researched, engaging, and remarkably personal look at the CIA's first "Arabists" who operated in the Middle East during World War II with the various proto-CIA entities and later worked in that area as case officers. After that, moving on to a modern look at the use

Doctor: I think you might be getting too old for this kind of thing.

Yeah, maybe it was a western states rural thing. I'd imagine rural Washington State is a lot different than rural NJ.

Congressman, that Gypsy woman assured me that the rooster sacrifice would be sufficient and that live ammunition and body armor were unnecessary.

Wasn't it a "delicious bass"?

Can't find m'checkbook! Hope you don't mind I pay ya in change!

I really liked this movie. I've found that most of the people I know who also really liked it when it came out and who didn't get caught up in the later backlash were people who grew up in rural areas and could actually identify with some of the characters in the movie. I knew guys like Napoleon and Pedro and girls

Are there Taco Del Mar chains in California? I'd take them any day over Chipotle if I was just looking for a relatively cheap Americanized burrito place. (Full disclosure: I hate Chipotle.)

It's not rated highly on Yelp, but I've found Malena's (Ballard and Queen Anne) to be pretty good old school taco-shack Mexican street food. And Casa Que Pasa up in Bellingham is pretty great, too. I've also heard good things about El Camion, but never tried them.

Civil Procedure for me. I got a B+ with something like 52/100 possible points.

Fuck, I should've known somebody already got in a clowns joke.

You know what, his Newswire posts have been pretty suspicious lately:

*AV Club servers short circuit from show of sincerity*

Die, werewolf Frankenstein.

Nothing is impossible, except for dinosaurs.

That is genius.