Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I had no idea about his love for weed. This kind of messes with my worldview — my dad kind of looks like Harrison Ford (with bad teeth and a pot belly), is a retired pilot, and is a huge (but lovable) grump. Maybe it isn't Marbs that my dad's chain-smoking out on the porch…

I think the skinnifying of men's pants over the last decade is probably a liberal feminist plot to get back at us for having comfortable pants for so long.

Yeah, I wish I cared less, but it seems like the older I get the more self-conscious I am about that kind of stuff. 20-25 year-old me would not have given a shit. "Fuck you! I can carry three Schlitzes in here!"

Another sad day when my gay and female friends told me my bootcut jeans were not welcome.

Oh! Oh! I just thought of someone who would want to wear cargo pants post-1998. People who needed them for work? Does that count? :-/

I'm trying to work up the courage to go plaid. The wife is supportive, though, so I think it's only a matter of time.

I've switched over to J. Crew Stanton shorts, mostly, but they've jacked the price up to like $70. So I only really buy them when they're on sale. And I have sort of muscular legs and they have a smallish leg-hole, so they can be a little uncomfortable when I'm sitting down, especially.


Haha, ok. I was ready to start swapping stories about how they wouldn't let you actually use your cargo pockets for, uh, cargo.

Were you in the Corps?

I remember that heartbreaking day when I learned from my gay and female friends that my collection of cargo shorts, while pragmatic, were not welcome in society.

Which stands in sharp contrast to the cruel irony of the US Army, where we weren't allowed to store anything obtrusive in our cargo pockets. At least in garrison.

I told you to shave those sideburns, Hamill!

I like those, too, ElDan. But Little Rae's are my favorite Seattle-based bakery store-bought cookie. They're about 250 calories apiece and I've definitely eaten six of them in a sitting before. I'm surprised I'm not fatter.

Five L.L.? Isn't that like one-third of a US cent? That's a bargain.

Also, I don't think Christians have been in the majority since the confessional political system was set up. It's majority Muslim now.

I know. "Half of Lebanon's drunk population" doesn't quite pop the same, though. =)

Some drunk Lebanese would like a word with you.

This comment has nothing to do with the article. The Simpsons still just reminded me that my wife called our garage a "car-hole" yesterday. I've never been more proud of her.

Yeah, he seems surprisingly self-aware about his career. Do I… actually respect Adam Sandler?