Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Sure, but do you really want to have to sit through more ads for the drama about the genius chess player who solves crimes with his genius? What are you, one of those agora-fruitcakes?

The War on Drugs is destroying our civil liberties!

Ah man, they had Neko? I've been trying to catch her live for years. Closest I've come was a New Pornographers show. Did you go last year?

I saw Death Cab in a smallish venue a few years ago with my sister, who was also not a big fan. She ended up really liking their set. She wasn't converted to fandom or anything, but she thought they put on a pretty entertaining show. You're right, though, the rest of the lineup looks solid. Might have to try to get

I got a pocket fulla Hawthornes, pocket fulla Hawthornes

"Do you know any piercers who have done this kind of work?"

*shiny new Internet immediately defiled*

That line, with the music, the extra vocal lines, the details that surround it, just kill me. The past tense of it all especially got me when I was going through the death rattle of a 7-year relationship. As pejorative as the term can be, it's such great sad bastard music.

Damn, I should have scrolled down! That's one of my favorite songs on the album and I mentioned it in a comment above. The phrase that ETL references, where the narrator sings, "in my best behavior I am really just like him," totally crushes me when I'm feeling introspective. I'm not sure what it is — self-doubt?

There's a deep bench in Illinoise when it comes to sad bastard music. Another one, besides this one, that frequently brings me to tears is, strangely, "John Wayne Gacy, Jr." The revelatory phrase at the end, where the "narrator" admits his fear that deep down he is just as fake as Mr. Gacy, always gut-punches me when

Don't forget "oblivious to our surroundings" and "scared of conservatives"!

There really is nothing else on television quite as exciting as a showdown at Erection Cove.

Can also (sort of) work as a 30 Rock reference.

This makes me sad that 30 Rock is no longer on the air. I'm sure they could've milked at least a couple episodes' worth of jokes out of this.

"Shit sandwich" was more succinct.

Cap, I have to say that I haven't seen anyone with your level of obscure Star Wars/Expanded Universe minutiae knowledge since I used to play the Star Wars RPG in the mid-'90s. Bravo, sir.

Sorry for responding to a dead(ish) thread, but I wanted to tell you that my wife also did some transcription on the side last year when we needed some extra money. For one of her assignments, she transcribed the English translation of a French-language focus group on some random product. It was weird. Based on your

Stephen King wrote this story five times in 1988, according to statistics I just made up.

Halo 6: Is Cortana's Body Suit Thongy Enough Yet?

That's a pretty presumptuous thing to say about someone you know only through internet comments.