Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I remember the couple of days before only because they seem so petty in retrospect. I was devastated over some girl I'd had a crush on forever whom I'd dated for about six weeks before she booted me. I barely slept the night of 9/10 (think I got to bed at 3 or 4 am) and woke up to my roommate calling me from work to

I was an enlisted 11B when I first saw it. One of the most insulting things you could call an officer (behind his back, of course) was "Sobel" — if you were self-aware enough to realize what a good leadership model the series was, I'm sure you stayed out of Sobel territory.

With hundreds of C-47s flying off to the Normandy coast? Damn, I always get chills during the part where the British air defense artillery guy salutes them (or waves? can't remember). The music, the cinematography, everything is just pitch perfect.

As a former infantry paratrooper, this series was pretty much required viewing while I was in the Army. I can't think of any other movie or miniseries that got unit cohesion as right as this series did. (Seriously, why you placed Over There in the same company as Band of Brothers is beyond me. That show was trash.)

What about parents whose kids' names end in -den? Can we hate them yet?

Is that a winking-eye alcohol suggestion? Welp, if you say so, Lindsay!

Out of curiosity, does anyone know why this was developed as a multi-camera laugh-track sitcom? I've heard it's a lot cheaper to film that way, but I wonder if Carter and Bays originally wanted something more along the lines of the NBC stuff that was coming out at the time of the pilot.

With a dollop of, "Fuck him, fuck you, fuck this shit, I'm out."

My wife and I have made similar criticisms of the show, although we have not particularly liked this last season. We've found it schmaltzy and groan-inducing, even having been HIMYM inoculated.

Goddamnit, I knew I should have read ahead for a Captain Phillips reference.

Captain Phillips concept episode?

Holy shit, we're all going to fucking die! Get the fuck out!

I forgive him, because I was already reminded of it the other day when I took out some probably year-old paper recycling that included a glossy Whitney mailer. Because good marketing, NBC.

What the fuck are you kids doing on my fucking loch?

Not if you lock them in a Thule snowboard rack.

Eating Ramen, living in a shitty shared house. I like it.

Sorry for reviving a dead thread — I just watched the episode. I agree with you. Past the cold open and catching Bevers jacking it, I barely laughed during this episode. A lot of the jokes seemed telegraphed and rote, which is something they've avoided in pretty much every other episode. Still love the show and the

Mrs. B and I just started watching in 2011 when it got posted to Netflix — we groaned our way through season one, season two was a little better, and we started really liking it after that (with the more-than-occasional groan-worthy episode). I'm not sure we would've stuck with it if we'd had to watch week-to-week in

Mrs. B and I liked this episode okay. We were groaning and yelling at Ted and Robin to choke themselves through all of their bullshit, but it was fine. And we both continue to really like Cristin Milioti as the mother — for such a comparatively small part, we think she's nailing it.

You can probably thank the Jesuits for that. My little sister went to two different Jesuit universities (bachelor's/master's) and had really good things to say about them — they seem to be pretty good at compartmentalizing religious belief and scientific discourse.