Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Yeah, that junk has been mostly ejected from mainline Protestant churches/Sunday school teaching, also.

CHUDs, mostly.

This definitely deserves a spot on the Lame List.

Holy shit, I forgot about that. 12-year-old me got a lot of, um, mileage out of that, but that's seriously kind of a fucked up scene. That was in the TV movie, too?

My wife's grandfather was an OSS guy, I think. He died before I got a chance to meet him, but the family's got some pretty cool stories about him.

I know you're joking, but I'd watch the shit out of that. I loved the Star Wars episode of the Muppets when I was kid. I think you can find it on youtube.

My brother and I used to get Boy's Life in the '80s when we were in scouting, and the only thing I really remember reading were the Tales of Heroism or whatever they were. It was in comic format. They were usually about a Scout rescuing someone who fell through some ice, performing CPR on someone, or rendering

Ha. Thanks, but it wasn't anything as sexy as that. The two main guys I was thinking of were: 1) guy who claimed to be Jesus and had a history of death threats and assaulting LEOs, and 2) Native American gang member/meth dealer who really did not like me.

And I like Tyreese's old school Army LBE. Those things can be pretty handy and they don't weigh that much. Hooray, ZA fashion!

I want to say her name is… Klargen? Arklin?

I can't help but worry about the last couple episodes, too. I'm thinking it will be something like:

That was a good point. I didn't think about it at the time but doesn't make a whole lot of sense as anything other than a plot device.

Yeah, I really wasn't expecting to see a C+. MAYBE a B or B-. I loved this episode. Melissa McBride knocked it out of the fucking park.


Strange. This was one of my favorite episodes of the season and I'd put it at a B+, at least. I was genuinely shocked and it I felt like this was the show getting back to what it should be doing: showing people wrestling with unthinkable circumstances in a nigh-hopeless setting. (Not that I like hopelessness: I'm a

It did creep me out a little, but it also kind of reminded me of an SNL satire of a short French film. Just needed to be in black and white and say FIN before they rolled the credits.

Because I arrested some people I was afraid of who didn't stay in jail or prison long enough to forget who I was. And so people on the internet could call me names instead of having a grown-up discussion.

I recently bought Civilian based off someone's suggestion here, so I got a chuckle out of that.

This is all great, but the confident misuse of the semicolon really nails it.

O'Neal, if it's any consolation, I am a "retarded liberal faget [sic]" because I questioned whether some people posting on a law enforcement Facebook page should celebrate the accidental shooting death of a couple of undocumented immigrants in Texas (hey! That's where SXSW is).