
Every time I hear about this story it always blows my mind that Baldwin passed on a Tina Fey/Robert Carlock created 30 Rock spin off and made this little indie western instead. Because the Ted Danson show Mr. Mayor was supposed to be about Jack Donaghy and set in NYC.

God, how bleak to have to write about this and try to be “funny.”

I think the morality slider is legitimately your teammates. Instead of just this vague paragon or renegade slider each teammate gets their own approval bar and depending on what you do or say or decide where, they may react differently or not at all.

You mean some scenes in Bohemian Rhapsody were maybe exagerrated?

I think we can all agree anyone should be free to decline or return an award if they want to. But we’re only having this conversation because some people are saying they want her to return it.

They need him to gradually push it from one side of the shelf to the other, in conjunction with the phases of the moon.

I am SO incredibly glad this doesn’t have a damn “morality slider” like Mass Effect and other games have. Instead of gamifying morality, it’s letting you make decisions without knowing the eventual end of them - which is exactly how DnD is. You could meet a stranger in session 4 and have an interaction that you don’t

She is not obligated to do so and obviously shouldn’t. Moreover, she doesn’t need to be the first to do it.

That’s how you know the ChatGPT rollout is still in progress.

No. You are either capable of using Google and finding several arguments in favor of the game OR you can acknowledge that it’s not for you and move along.

this game is nothing like diablo and neither it nor diablo are anything like lara croft.

> Maybe if I play it I’ll understand the hype? I like soulslike games, open world action adventure, third person and platforms. Help me understand the hype.

its a D&D game based on the 5th edition rules. it plays like D&D. its D&D

I mean, I’m glad he said it...but we all know this is exactly what’s going to happen. And then in 5-7 years, we’ll hear complaints from WB execs scratching their heads wondering why they just had a series of toy-based movies that flopped.

The net is fantasy!

...that is until Warners cooks the books a little and claims the film merely broke even after production costs, marketing and sundry incidentals.

I’m seeing a ton of ads for it on YouTube, but, presumably that’s at least partially due to the sorts of things I watch on YouTube.

Maybe I’m not watching the right movies/TV shows, or live in the wrong area, but I have not seen nearly as much advertising for BB as this article implies there is.

‘what zapped!’s failure means for the teen sex comedy industrial complex. is teen sex comedy fatigue to blame?’

short answer yes with an if, long answer no with a but.

 Can you imagine having this guy at your table? Oof.