I remember discovering Cyberpunk literature at a young age, and while some of it was quite good, I don’t think I ever once thought that it would be cool to live in that kind of dystopian environment.
I remember discovering Cyberpunk literature at a young age, and while some of it was quite good, I don’t think I ever once thought that it would be cool to live in that kind of dystopian environment.
Actually they used the most recent up date to the 5E rules where racial bonuses are no longer a thing. Instead during character generation you get to pick one stat that gets a +2 and another that gets a +1. Its done to move away from racial bonuses. Now different races mostly just change your appearance and give…
There are definitely some quests that seem like the next step is somewhere else, when the next step is actually right next to you in the same room. Especially because there’s certain container objects on the ground that reveal themselves with the “highlight items” and some that do not.
The “investigate Kagha” part of…
There are so many bizarre tangents and unanswered questions papered over here with, “Trust me, it’s just sad, that’s all you need to know” that—given how many privacy issues are involved—it was probably best not to run with a story of any kind.
This is the nonsense that happens when we let social media drive “news” and cite comments on social media posts as if those count as sources.
Of course this was fake news, one of the sources was the Daily goddamn Mail.
The UN finally got him. RIP
RIP Rusty Shackleford.
Kind of weird to go from spending the morning reading about how a Hawaiian town I have great memories of was literally wiped off the map in one day to this. I don’t know. I’ve read stuff on this site I found genuinely enriching, but this is not the best AV Club mode.
It’s Mary Kate Carr. She’s the worst and laziest writer here by a country mile.
Best part is it says right there in the article that Lowe left in 2002. Good lord.
You’re almost certainly right, and that’s been the widely accepted narrative ever since he left the show, but I would make a very, very slight caveat that there might be more to the story than we’ve been previously told.
The current AV Club writing staff is the collective John Henry that we deserve, but not the one we need.
They need to update that extremely distasteful, “See who else has died this year” slide show.
I guess they’re waiting for some celebrity to mention Robertson’s death in an interview somewhere. Then they can report on it.
Also, it’s “plenty OF critical acclaim”. So yeah, one sentence with two mistakes. AI would be an improvement, frankly.
Rob was angry that instead of being the star of the show, it changed to revolve around President Bartlett, and was angry that Brad Whitford, Richard Schiff, Janel Moloney, and Allison Janney were getting more story lines than he was.
Let us remember, here in the Kinja future, that there were no pills in the dang jelly beans.
He didn't sneak pills into the jelly beans
He recorded the line himself and dubbed it over video of Tracy chewing the jellybeans. That's the way they made the horse talk on Mr. Ed.