Xangelix's rather untimely boner

He was also close friends with River Phoenix.

I am completely sympathetic to what you are saying, but our shrieking, idiotic, formidable right-wing will assail any and all public options or ambitious half-measures like the ACA the entire way. We need to take an irreversible hydronuclear strike to the issue- one that would be far too disastrously expensive and


The far left is going to sink the Democratic candidate again, aren’t they?

Oregon Republican officials can be so unhinged to begin with

“Senator, are you comparing economic hardship to the sacrifices our men and women in the armed forces have made?”

Grey privilege!

Maybe they know something deeply compromising about Pence! *crinkles hat*

I have nothing concrete for this, but Highlands Ranch is pretty fucking lily white suburban south Denver-metro. I should know, I live 10 minutes from there. I bet you dollars to fucking donuts that the kids who staged the walk-out that’s ruffling everyone’s feathers did so on urge of their pro-gun parents who KNEW

I’ve followed several RadFem blogs for a few years now, and I think your take is precisely correct. I find myself aligned with many radical feminist (as opposed to liberal feminist) views, but the perpetual vitriol for trans people is, above all, paranoid and, frankly, weird. I try to compartmentalize it as best as I

That’s what I was thinking. When can we start declaring some of these deep red places as failed states, and the women fleeing them as refugees?

Or you’re extremely tired during the day because you can’t sleep at night because... well...

Amazon Prime could arguably fit there. Subscribe and Save essential items like soaps, toilet paper, etc. But yeah, that does seem pretty damn high.

At least he didn’t talk to it.