Xangelix's rather untimely boner

Bummer. Lost Highway is one of my favorite soundtracks. His noir score mixed in surprisingly well with all the eerie 90s alt rock.

so that she can make the system do what it should, not what it’s currently doing?

That’s a very odd remark. What system? Democracy? Rule of law?

i wish democratic politicians were like this sometimes

That’s not a silly bit and she’s not joking.

God, can you imagine what would happen if she had access to Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham? Maybe she should start a Patreon that is nothing but her roasting various political figures.

Holy Goddamn. She starts out at mid-playoff intensity, and actually picks up speed from there. Watching that was transcendent, and I wish she qualified for some sort of genius grant that let her spend a year a year or two just writing and delivering sacred demolitions like this one to the deserving.

Most cops couldn’t truthfully justify the existence of their jobs. They’re glorified overpaid security guards at best.

My word!

Damn, idk if I’m just starved in this political climate for a decent orator, but word. of. this. Even the silly bits. “I want to turn this building into luxury low cost housing. These would make some really nice apartments.” It’s good.

Speaking truth to power. We need a lot more of this. 

I lived after reading and watching this.

this was incredible and she’s an inspiration

That woman for president, 2024.

WOW. That was great. “Y’all are so weird.” Amen.

This is certainly uncomfortable to talk about, but if we try to imagine it with some other marginalized group, I think it becomes pretty obvious that the answer is not to fire the trans woman.

Let’s say that a significant portion of the population that used the center was uncomfortable having a black woman there, an

She doesn’t. At no point does she say that anyone would actually *be* less safe. All she says is that people are likely to *feel* less safe if anyone can use the bathroom, and that’s almost certainly true. It’s probably the least important of the arguments she makes, but if you read the essay from an unbiased

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.”

I do not know of a single trans person. I am not at all aware of the level of challenges they face on a daily basis. I fully support their right to live respectably and with dignity. There should absolutely be no discrimination against them when it comes to jobs or even social equity. Hell, in my culture, transgenders