That's Not That Much Cheese

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

She saw herself as the next Tina fey. And believe me, she wasn’t.

He tells people that they will get rich with minimal effort. People will do whatever to maintain the ilussion that that is possible. We are lazy animals.

That hair. Ugh. It’s even worse when he talks. You think he looks creepy and then he opens his mouth and it gets much worse.

And 7 million more who regularly watch his broadcasts. (Insert head exploding GIF)

I do not know how he finds so many people to fill up his giant church.

Same. I was never a huge fan but she was fine. Lately for some reason everything she does and says just makes me roll my eyes.

insincere, i think, is the word you’re looking for

I think it’s cause she seems to be trying to hard to appear woke/unique etc.... I honestly think that she’s rediscovering who she is as an artist and trying to figure out how to blend her new awareness/growth etc... with her sound. Like she seems to be trying to figure out how to evolve/shake it up in a way that

I think it’s because she went from ‘christian rebel’ to ‘fuckable cupcake’ to ‘bouncy sport mascot’ to ‘political prop’ and now she’s just a regular pop star without a schtick. She needs a theme.

I can’t put my finger on it either! She used to be all about fun, pop-song silliness with the occasional uplifting song....I’m not sure where it went off the rails. It feels like she’s forcing everything....the “shade” the “humor” the “wokeness”..... it just feels off.

Honestly surprised she didn’t go with post-it notes!

they are made up stories about friends (what they did or what happened to them and how this girl was standing there shocked or surprised) that are quite possible but considering the amount and the exact pattern of these stories, and also the lack of ending of any of them (no solution to a difficult or surprising

Your roommate in grad school was probably my best friend in elementary school. He was the absolutely king of one upping people. These people are the actual worst.

Making up grandiose stories is usually a symptom of an underlying mental disorder (speaking as someone with bipolar disorder and a whole family of people with mental disorders). As an extreme example, when my grandfather had manic episodes he used to think the car was flying. My father would think he would be a

a coworker of mine who happens to be a very sweet and lovely young girl tells me very subtle lies when we lunch together. so subtle i did not realize in the beginning they were lies, only after about 3 lunches when patterns repeated. i still don’t know what to do with this whole situation.

Yes. Gtfo imo too. She is told not to be embarrassed because we ‘all have weird friends’. Um, no. Frequent lying - regardless of what it’s about - is crazy and disrespectful. It makes people uncomfortable and - in the worst cases - question which way is up. That’s NOT OK. And, while we are technically not responsible

The whole country is experiencing gaslighting.

I think we ALL know who is the most tremendous pathological liar.

I totally joke that my corgi was a QoE reject, but that’s a whole new level of lie. In this story does she dognap one of Lizzy’s pups? Or did the Queen bequeath them to her for a heroic act of anti-bullying?