That's Not That Much Cheese

I also don’t understand why we keep presenting a false dichotomy of “giving her a cookie” OR “shitting on her”. You can report on this without praising or condemning her.

Katy Perry was an early and very vocal supporter of Hillary in 2016. If Taylor had supported Hillary then, you better believe Jezebel’s articles would have shat on her for not endorsing Hillary as early as Katy.

Jesus you guys. This is GOOD. Just let it be good.

The power of Taylor Swift’s statement is very much in how local it was. I doubt even if she’d done anything this public in 2016, it’d have been anywhere near as effective. And people were complaining about the timing, but I think posting it so close to the registration deadline is what got people to actually register

Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?

Yup. There are people out there who are going to be burning Taylor Swift CD’s on top of the cinders of their Nike bonfires. Enjoy inhaling plastic fumes, idiots.

Hard agree.  Taylor does something good, something that this site has been bitching about her not doing for eons, and it still isn’t enough.  Just say you hate her and you will never approve of anything she does just because of who she is and get it over with.  

I’m a Tennessean and we really need all the help we can get, so I’m pretty thankful for Taylor Swift speaking up. Marsha Blackburn is a fucking scourge and deserves the guillotine, honestly. 

Especially in this highly charged atmosphere. A post like this is guaranteed to result in threats. This took guts. 

Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this


I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

A couple of years ago I went to the tobacconist near my dad’s house to buy him some cigarettes. The dude who served me knows my dad as a regular customer and knows that I’m his daughter, so he didn’t card me but he did ask me how school was going. I thought he meant university; he meant fucking high school. 

People always assume I’m in my early 20s and accuse me of taking the piss when I tell them I am 30. I look younger now than I did when I was an underage club kid who never got carded. Now I’m an overage club kid who gets carded all the damn time.

Ask them whether it is also impolite to cock punch them, because that’s what’s going to happen if they tell you not to swear.

I had an older man at work tell me to watch my language. I cursed him the fuck out.

*Palms face* Oh god I was trying to be as hyperbolic as possible but Poe’s law strikes!

The slutty slutty slut sluts should have thought of that before they got opened their legs and tried to have anchor babies in the US OF A!

Oonly white fetuses matter...brown and black people are animals...the only reason they cared about black fetuses a little during slavery is because they would eventually be property! America has along history of being evil and barbaric! 

ICE has already killed a lot of people. These stories are particularly depressing though, and what kind of monstrous shit have they been doing that we don’t know?