
It looks like you’re being buried alive, so my guess is you won’t be advancing much further if that happens.

Actually you just might be. Over the long run Macs tend to be cheaper as you don’t replace as often.

I was under the impression that the hardcore Destiny players have been asking for this sort of thing for a while, or any sign that Bungie is listening to them. So this is a good thing, right?

Just market it as a dynamic rock climbing facility.

“One thing that definitely isn’t there: a coherent story.”

(thats the joke)

Yeah and theoretically I could use a trowel to dig a tunnel under the English Channel.

As Fauxcused and others have pointed out, their concern is that Peter Thiel is profiting from this.

That’s when I stopped reading.

I found it interesting from a logistical point of view. NYC is massive and collecting that much data has got to be tedious. It’s impressive they are able to do this comparatively cheaply.

Here is the reason they are talking about it:

I’m mildly confused about what the point of this article is. Are you upset that the city has switched from using 100 year old paper records to electronic ones, or just that they didn’t hire some college intern to code the database for them?

They have. Its the story published a few minutes before this...

They just release info on the Hero 5. I have a Hero4 silver and I love that camera, what’s wrong with their cameras?

Yes. It would. This really is ridiculous.

If only they’d asked random internet commenter MC PressFlesh for his/her technical critique of the system instead of relying on those pesky thousands of engineers they have on staff.

...They can’t handle bridges, and they debuted them in Pittsburgh!?

Obvious troll is obvious.