
Why do you think that?

What phone are you coming from? This one is 4.6" and that’s smaller than the Moto G (2013) and Moto E (2015) I have at home. I use the Moto X 2014 and that’s 5.2".

4K resolution on a 5-inch screen smacks of “because we can” more than any practical application.

The joke

he haven’t driven an Agera, nor the One:1 so far. Being around Koenigseggs all they long doesn’t mean you get the jump into them.

Aaaaaaahhh, now my brother complaining about his Xbox one match being hosted by Canadians makes sense. The lag and accents must be what gives it away. I usually just walk out when his tirade start.s

Laughing at this! Here in Montana I had to gun my car to get over our driveway mountain range which had frozen solid over our -5°F night.

If they do like Nissan and make every dealer to install a charger it might help a lot.

A multi-game suspension isn’t enough for Burfict. A better punishment would be to trade him to the Cleveland Browns.



The problem is that there are so many low functioning humans like yourself that can’t comprehend much beyond your belly button lint, so what you can't understand you don't believe.

How is ISS a hoax?

Hi, how are you enjoying your first day on the world wide web?

That’s idiotic line is right up there with Storm’s “Do you know what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning?”.

Am I the only one who thinks this looks insufferable and dumb as all hell?

There is no way in hell this movie is going to be good for a variety of reasons. First, the film that will be shown in theaters is a 2-hour hack job of a 4-hour film. Second, Ben Affleck’s writing staff have rewritten the script, implying the movie will pretty much a a Batman movie featuring Super Jesus. Third, Henry