
Player Unknown has spent years across mods, game modes, and now his own game really understanding how to make Battle Royale work as a video game. They’re not mad because Fortnite is a Battle Royale game, they’re mad because it directly and apparently publicly takes a lot of mechanics that Player Unknown had to figure

Shuuut uuup...

Oh wow, I’d be a terrible Roman... IX > VII Like, there’s a general outline already made for the movies. Carrie Fisher was part of it. Now they’ve been having to figure out how to change the complete underlying structure of the movie. I’ve heard they’re having a heck of a time, even been suggestions of delaying VII.

Yeah, no, it’s dead. I would bet money that Rian Johnson’s already being prepped to start writing VII.

That’s a lovely sentiment, but on a practical level nothing good would come from it. You would just get an inconsistent mishmash of ideas, styles, and directions.

Any way we could get a written version of this?

I’m hoping this will help to forward MMA as a sport. It started off as a spectacle (as did boxing) and it’s really grown in the past few years into something more technical, competitive, and professional. No where close to where it needs to be, but better. Hopefully this will just keep pushing it forward.

Some lessons are more expensive than others!

Right, so his solution was to stop accepting the medical system. While I agree that the medical system in the states is dumb, that’s not really the conversation here.

While the social revolution is cooking, don’t let your insurance lapse.

If you break, doesn’t it force your bike to stand up? Making it harder to turn? Like, did this person not do everything wrong here?

Frozen Throne has a good meta compared to the last few. Jade Druid is dumb, but honestly it’s not too bad. Plus it’s still pretty early.

It’s getting better, though. Like, compared to Tron Legacy de-aging? Miles. And Tron Legacy’s wasn’t tooo bad.

It’s the same are paying money not once, but repeatedly and you are given new features/optimization/hardware compatibility. Their pricing model is fine. I’d rather spend a bit a month and get constant access to up to date software than hundreds/thousands of dollars every few years when I’m forced to

My point is that unless you’re set on using the same piece of hardware and not improving your workflow, you are going to have to upgrade the software you purchased at one point. Which is going to cost money.

This discussion has nothing to do with free software.

All good software is subscription only. Either you’ll upgrade at some point, or you’ll stop using it. Subscription based software just means lower, more frequent payments.

Like, do you think you should pay once and never pay again while the developers work for free to improve their software?

It’s also important to remember that Henrik Fisker is a toolbag. Tesla hired him to design the Tesla Model S. He spent months and was paid a horrifying amount of money and came back with bubbly, dorky designs. The exact opposite of the design specs. Then, a month or so later, he announced that HE was starting a

Path of Exile has awesome loot filter settings. Very customizable, very cool. Check it out.

Pick cheaper netdecks/don’t netdeck. Make your own thing. Do something fun. That’s how I play.

How does arena require grinding or money? No one on earth pays for arena with money and if you can’t afford the gold for arena, you’ve never played a day of Hearthstone in your life...