
Do they know what happened? Is he definitively in the wrong? Or did flight control make a mistake? Also, wasn’t the crash in the golf course because his plane malfunctioned?

Loved this movie.

What in tarnations is happening here...

My girlfriend and I had heart shaped pizza because pizza is a large part of our relationship. It was a misshapen, blob of a pizza and it was an amazing night.

Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Half-Life 3.

Trudeau is electable and likeable. He was a safe alternative to Harper which is why he was elected. He’s not a smart leader, but he’s a smart celebrity, if that makes sense. Most of the heat he would have gotten from people has been taken by Kathleen Wynn who is disliked by a lot of people on all sides.

He looks like redneck David Mitchell.

Hot heck, this is tasty stuff. Guy’s got a ridiculous eye.

Cheap subs. Because the guy with 50m youtube subscribers needs cheap subs. Subs mean next to nothing, especially once you have 50m of them. Views, however, mean a lot, and to get views, you need to get the algorithm on your side.

This looks way better than I thought it would! Wow!

Is that car in the first ad...CGI? At least that wide shot and that charging shot? And did they like...add the guy onto his porch in post? What is happening here...

First the gorilla, now this. How do some people get their parenting license?

Currently eating corn nuts...

I think it looked fun. Exciting and new. People want new stuff and get mad when it’s new.

The sniper rifle was ridiculous in UT1999. Like, if you had it you didn’t even need to scope in. Part of what made that game great was that everything was so crazy lethal.

I got literally 1,000 kills on this map one Saturday morning. I loved UT 1999...

Don’t they say that every update?

This is really sad...every E3 I lived there! Wow.

Another benefit, better aiming for your fender missiles.

Wow, I didn’t even think of that. That’s really cool, actually.