
Fisker is a massive dong.

That comment was really well done.

I had requested medium-well...

I’d like to read the reporters review of the vest.

Am I missing it or is this reporter such a bad ass that he took it in such stride?

I know right? I can’t believe people still eat these

This is where you really have to look at the magnitudes involved. Microwaves typically use about 1000 watts of power, this uses 1 watt so more likely if you are in the way, you just won’t get a good charge signal.

Good thing we aren’t constantly bathed in RF radiation, or all of these commenters fearing for their lives and/or reproductive organs from this technology would be living in constant panic!

Your entire power bill is from charging your phone?

The Palm Pre’s charging (and Nexus 5, and others) require physical contact with the charger, you have to set the device on the baseplate. It’s wireless, but not contactless. This device charges over the air. You don’t have to put your device down on a plate or keystone, just be in the same area. It can be on your

Wireless recharging should be standanrd on iphone since iP4,

Get out of the Stone Age captain ‘Late-2013’

I hope we’re all just being silly and that we know RF in that band isn’t ionizing and won’t cause cancer any more than our cell phones do (which is not at all)

This is just a proof of concept for Ossia. They were literally finishing up the demo minutes before it was on the show floor. Energous is the only company that is close to having a wireless charging chip ready for market - reportedly in 2016. They were also best-in-show CES 2015.

But can it run Crysis _1_ on max settings? I know I may be expecting too much.

Not if you are a major electronics manufacturer and need something for your CES2016 booth to impress people with. Nevertheless, some people might use more than 2 screens for gaming, it may not be your thing, but it’s not uncommon. The main reason is that no one makes screens of the resulting resolutions nor aspect

Trade shows. It is for Kingston’s CES2016 booth.

He does some stupid stuff like this. Most of it is sponsored. There is also a neat series he does where he competes to build the best PC he can (versus another host) on a fixed budget buying used parts off craigslist, which is pretty amazing.

The video behind this was more about the challenge of having 7 gamers on 1 PC, rather than the cost of the whole machine.