
Nice sloppy Photoshop job from a design focused brand.

That’s because the definition of drone is unmanned aircraft. More specifically, generally, robotic. But that distinction is largely irrelevant. Point is, fixed wing or rotor aircraft doesn’t matter as much as robotic or remotely piloted.

Automated take off and landing, and it flies waypoints? Holy cow, it actually is a drone.

Sorry, my bad, it’s just the Macbook now. Regardless, it only has the 1 port for everything except a headphone jack IIRC.

Change is scary. Ironically, even for tech nerds.

This is going to be waaaaay better...

The cable only appears to have five pins on the connector, which is far less than required for even minimal USB-C compatibility (i.e. power + orientation detection + USB 2.0). Probably two pins are for Vbus (the circular ones at the edges), two for Gnd (the large copper pads), and one (the circular one in the middle)

Nah man it’s supposed to be gb, just imagine the future of being able to carry 3 1/2 hd movies in your pocket.

what, are we not doing “phrasing” anymore...? ;) 🔚

The official reasoning seems to be that the laptop is so light, it would counteract the force needed to pop the magnet, making the magsafe useless. Unless this device has magnets that hold with less force, it seems like something that wouldn’t properly do the job.

I guess segway has to do SOMETHING to remain relevant. They cranked out their uber-expensive-and-huge scooter and, apart from roadside attractions or tours of epcot, they never caught on for “mainstream” use as they had least not in the consumer market. Mall cops I guess still use them. They are the

There’s an even older generation who would call you a lazy pansy for having new-fangled indoor plumbing and your fancy electricity in the first place. Pfft, switches and pull-chains - go out and chop some wood so we can warm ourselves and cook dinner, we’re running out of daylight here!

Yet here you are, reading about what Zuckerberg is doing.

Yes. These people are so anti-intellectual it’s impossible to *not* talk down to them.

I can’t tell if you mean that in a good or bad way, but in this context, I think condescending asshole is the right approach.

Where’s the thermometer showing the temperature of the steel when it comes from the forge?

The fact that we need to go to such lengths at all shows how truly stupid these theorists can be. Melt is basically another way of liquefying through heat. What’s happening in the video isn’t melting, necessarily, but it higher heat it makes perfect sense that steel becomes substantially more pliable. When you add the

Right? Adam Driver did in one movie what Lucas didn’t allow Hayden Christensen in two. Though, I do have to say that despite how horribly Lucas’ writing was for Hayden, that the basic outline of Anakin’s descent makes total sense to me on paper. His mother being tortured and dying in the desert and then forseeing the

Yes. SpaceX expects to unveil their BFR and Mars Colonial Transporter designs next year.

I think that maybe the booster could be going to the Smithsonian at some point. But before that, it’s going to sit outside of the SpaceX headquarters with a little sign that says...