
These comments are so disappointing. Someone did something amazing, okay? Who cares if the headline is a little silly or it said BMW for a bit or whatever. This is really cool.


This is bad.

If there is ever a live action movie it needs to not be a bunch of clumsy mascots.

I kinda just thought no one cared. It being fictional and all.

We get these all the time where I live. I have yet to have one. They make me feel dirty.

I missed you.

I actually love the physical home button...I like actually pressing something, not just a screen.

He was fired from Disney, actually. And yeah, he was heading the story side of Pixar under Ed Catmull? I think?

This entire E3 felt like people were really making an effort to show their legitimate gameplay. It was really nice, actually. People were throwing themselves out there.

They say sometimes, late at night, walking past the Pixar complex, you can hear the rendering. They say that the pictures in there don’t know how to stop. They say that if you work there long enough, you change. They say that you even render in your dreams...

Disney bought Pixar, but they operate separately for the most part. Pixar makes Pixar movies, Disney makes Disney movies. Disney’s most recent string of animated hits came from Pixar’s animation heads coming over to Disney briefly and retrofitting things. Really interesting process, actually!

This isn’t Pixar, bud. Disney Animation.

Exactly. A lot of hardware manufacturers don’t seem to understand the value of industrial design. Beats are gorgeous headphones. Even their packaging is slick. They’re trash and I’d never buy them, but the reason they’re so successful is because they look good.

I was so confused, haha! I thought you were just really against people leaving their pets at home when they went to work. I get it now. All set. Sorry!

It’s a gameplay mechanic we obviously disagree on :P It’s just like one of my issues with CoD and things. You get all these highly trained people going around and getting killed by the dozen? Makes no sense. You have all the pawns going around getting mulched, or being strategically ordered by the actual highly


Who’s upgrade fodder, it’s fun kills, makes you feel good, and sets up for the real conflict. Would you rather be in the cannon fodder, fighting other cannon fodder, or would you rather be the hero fighting the villain? Y’know?

No, man! I love AI in games! One of the reasons I’m so hyped about this game and one of the reasons I love the Battlefronts! Makes me feel special, y’know? Give me some cannon fodder any day of the week.

No one on this planet builds hype like Ubisoft. Holy crap. Everything about their press conference (minus Just Dance, but they throw that in to keep us grounded, I think) blew my mind. Even if they deliver the occasional buggy mess, they make up for it with moments of hype like this. So excited.