
Except the art direction is subpar for Nintendo here. It’s a poor showing.

Yeah, but if they can’t handle 60 fps and better graphics than what they’ve shown, it’s either really poorly optimized or just terrible, terrible hardware. It’s not like this is like a difference between Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 graphics or CoD and Battlefield. This is last gen to current gen. It’s really, really bad.

He said he only had to do one demo...he lied.

I like how the past few years have been filled with these apocalyptic crafting games...and Fallout 4 comes out and is like “Yeah. We did it. No big deal.”

Fantastic article. Even more pumped for E3 now!

So you just freak out about Apple’s supposed lack of innovation and effect on every Apple update or what? Fact is, Apple can make mundane things pretty large scale.

He’s a vampire. Bruce Vayne. Son of Transylvanian immigrants.


“iOS 9 will ship natively with Tidal!”

It’s mostly the scale of the thing. Apple you can’t not cover. It’s just too big.

Do you want to know why things that Apple does are a big deal? It’s because they have the infrastructure and quality of work to make things into big deals. When you have the world using a relatively unfragmented product line, an update actually does something. A feature like multitasking on the Note is neat. A feature

So edgy.

We live in the future. Twenty years ago the first animated movie came out and now we’re playing real time video games that’re doing things like this? Just crazy. I love it.

This isn’t a big deal. If it affected gameplay it would be a big deal. But it doesn’ why do people care? $10 isn’t actually that much considering how much people spend on cards. If you care about it, drop $10. If you don’t, it doesn’t affect you. Get over it.

I should go through these later. I’ll just open them up in other tabs so I don’t forget about them.

I value my entertainment over the lives of those fish. There are lots of others.

I strap four chopsticks together in the traditional “fork” arrangement.

I’m feeling a lot of emotion towards you right now. Thanks! Will give it a shot!

I have good news! Edible cholesterol isn’t a thing! Live a healthy lifestyle and eat all the eggs you want! You're free now.

So do you dip the chips in or do you mix it? And how crispy do you want the chips? This sounds awesome!