
Loving these comments. It's like all the disapproving parents of the 60's moved to the internet.

He looks different and creepy. I'm pumped.

But now it looks silly...

Hey, solid man :) Keep doing what you're doing.

I don't think this is the follow up, I'm just saying that I think there would have been a follow up. So pumped to see this Deadpool happen, though!

Can I see some of your stuff? That's actually really cool. It's good to hear there's not as much hate around there as I thought there was!


It’s the greatest movie ever made. What’s your problem.

I didn't actually mind Wolverine Deadpool. Like, they weren't going to keep him like that obviously. They had some cool design decisions in there. He was essentially a cameo until a more Deadpool focussed movie came out. Everyone just decided to freak out because "He couldn't talk, he's supposed to be witty, he's blah

Literally the best movie ever made.

Hey, Chris, let’s hug it out. Happy 100

People just love to hate the states.

It was just so stuck in there, though. Like, Ray just invented an Iron Man suit. And the big reveal is a thirty second spat? And then cut back to personal drama? Where's the tension and the buildup! Followed by Oliver wrecking him.

That shouldn't even be a showdown! Like, nerdy kid gets the ability to run fast.

Ra's Al Ghul.

Nerdy fast foot.

Ra's Al Ghul.

I'm looking forward to it, but I liked Man of Steel so I might be retarded. We'll see. Affleck does a better job directing than acting apparently.

The Atom-Arrow showdown was sooo anti-climactic. I wanted a scene of Oliver systematically breaking him down. Like, he is in the running to be the next Ra's Al Ghul. The most deadly man in the world. Ray needs to be taught this.

Also can we talk about Oliver for a second? Not necessarily in the context of this

Netflix will save it.

I don't agree with you, but this is the funniest thing ever to me. The entire thing is a courtroom drama. "I call to the stand...the citizens of Gotham!"

I came to the comments looking for more information about its CNC abilities. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Those are so fantastic. His Tiffany Aching series is also mind-blowing.