
Why is it that everyone feels like they're qualified to sit around poking holes in this thing. Like come on people. You don't the universe it's set in, you don't know the rules of the story, the rules of the world. You don't know the process. Like just try to enjoy something for once in your lives, you freaking

This just feels like the best form of cosplay.

This isn't okay.

Send me money.

Actually they use robots instead of people like you. Thumbs up.


Once (if) induction charging becomes common place and practically so, this becomes more practical. Cut out the wires.

What's the end goal, though. Remove visual distraction and physical interaction while on the move, right? So your watch becomes pointless (except as a piece of jewellery) once you've stopped

Now that's interesting. Their notification system seems like it gives full screened notifications (or at least for the ones you need to interact with), though. So maybe they're planning on you not needing to access the app tray while you're on the move?

This feels like something you need touch free input for if you're

In nature.

They just need an ID team that doesn't suck. They're just so ugly, man...

It's a tech demo, I think. Like, here's what we want to do with everything. Here's what we can do on a mass scale right now.

I expect the next major MacBook refresh is gonna use a lot of these features, and certainly the design language.

Fair. Still, if Apple can't make something usable, no one can. This is the litmus test for smart watches.

It's a tech demo...

I don't think so at least from a material standpoint. The materials used in the watch are certainly on par with watches in its price point. Apple cares more about material quality than pretty much anyone else, maybe to a fault.

Now from a tech standpoint who knows. If they offer a lifetime service plan

It's at the price point of a luxury watch.

Hey, I'm not running out the door to buy this thing (the only people who are probably have a private jet waiting for them), but you can't judge an Apple product based on your experience with Android software.

Okay, so I have no idea if this thing will sell or not, but I'll tell you their thinking (and gamble) at least. They're selling it not as a gizmo, gadget. They're selling it as a watch and these are reasonable price points for the watch market.

This could be the worlds biggest flop, but that's their thinking.

Oh man you should work for Apple.

Manufacturing process is a huge part of it. They need to find a way to add waterproofing to the process without massive retrofitting, any large amount of additional production time, and cheaply. I think a lot of people look at small scale developments and try to apply them to Apple scale. Just doesn't work like that

Oh my word.

Yeah like what happened there. Three games and a culminating modern day Desmond game. Seemed so straightforward. Or even, 1 Altair, 3 one time period, 3 the next time period, 1 modern. Now it's such a mess.