I was going to ask for her number getting ripped and eating pizza is one of my favorite pastimes.
I was going to ask for her number getting ripped and eating pizza is one of my favorite pastimes.
I am truthering the weed boyfriend, I bet the woman is fine after smoking and this guy just has a stick up his ass. He said himself that he anticipated a (boring) weed-free future with this person, and he also is pretty insulting when talking about her friends. 0/10.
He doesn’t owe us an explanation.
This game was the Super Bowl LIII halftime show of Super Bowls.
Almonds are fine, and perhaps the most versatile nut, but the cashew is the best nut and I will accept no arguments in opposition (except maybe the macadamia nut, but they’re so goddamn expensive and hard to crack that I only have them a couple times a year).
Look... I actually owe a lot to HW because he signed the ADA into law, which provided a lot of protections for me and other members of my family who need it. I also think dude was a good grandparent and parent, and clearly loved his wife. He also served his country honorably in World War 2, which itself should be…
It was pretty awesome! But I gotta say: I’m not great at RDR2 when I’m stone-cold sober, so playing it when I was stoned didn’t work out very well. I finally gave up on hunting and missions and just rode around the countryside giggling and stopping to stare at things. That Yellowstone-looking area with the hot springs…
Thanksgiving has always been the best holiday for me, Mom and Dad. Even though it was just the three of us, Mom would insist on making a 23-25 lb turkey (they REALLY like leftovers).
I was...12, I think? And I had found, in some magazine or another, a little blurb about a “romantic phone line”. It was a prerecorded message that was basically 90 seconds of a guy with a sexy voice talking about how you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, how he longed to take you in his arms and “make you…
My parents who are awful and emotionally abusive invited themselves to stay at my house a week for Thanksgiving. Luckily I was able to cope by guessing what they were going to complain about and turning it into a game of insult bingo with my brother and husband. That way, when they insulted me, I was excited to fill…
Nobody goes to get an abortion because everything has gone well for them. It’s scared young women with no other options. And how does it happen? Because ultra conservative women like sunglasses, in addition to fighting abortion, also fight against sex ed and contraceptive use. These people are burying generations…
Right. If it was about the precious babies, they would, you know, HELP women care for said babies once they were born.
Oh these fucking idiots (I’m looking at you, Mrs. Smug Sunglasses). Abortion is not about saving precious babies, it’s about controlling women. And even if you’re a nice blonde fleece-vest-wearing Christian minivan-drivin’ mom you are going to be SCREWED (and so, especially, will your daughters) once every last right…
Having a miscarriage in the state will be grounds for a criminal investigation. Nice, Alabama.
Seriously. People here are hating on Rebel because? She made a mis-step? She thought that she was the ‘first’? Jezuz, how people are getting in line to tear her apart as though she is some kind of evil genius set on humiliating other women. People need to get a fucking grip. Like you said, “2 days before the…
I’m confused. Is this sarcasm? ‘Cause I took your reply literally, and I think it has merit. I’m fed up with women tearing each other apart. Is Rebel a RACIST now? Are her detractors looking for a bone to pick? I don’t know. But I think that this shit needs to stop. Of course white women have always fared better in…
She claimed to be the first plus sized woman to be the star of a rom com. That was not in any way true. Shove your sarcasm. Black people have a right to fight against their erasure. You sound more like a right-wing troll than someone making an honest comment.
Yeah but that only gets you to 3rd base
I set my recording to add one and a half hours to the scheduled broadcast.