
When someone says they found an “inconsistency with the math,” what they mean is that they don’t understand the math and invented some BS they think sounds smart.

It sounds like he’s falling into a delusional fantasy where he’s founding Wakanda.

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I highly recommend this video where Howard’s “proof” that 1x1=2 is systematically examined and debunked. Like Folding Ideas’ video debunking flat earth, it’s very watchable and sort of comforting, despite the fact that it essentially reaffirms a basic fact that we all (except Howard) know.

Did he finish by stating his assets are currently frozen, however for a nominal amount now, he could get his assets released and bring this technology over here? Also noted that Prestige Worldwide has provided angel funding.

Don’t give this guy any money.

This reads like a bad MLM pitch your sketchy brother in law tries to pull off at a family gathering.

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Hmmm... this article is written in a voice that seems to fault California for protecting worker’s rights, rather than condemning the trucking companies that deliberately force drivers into working as contractors to avoid providing them livable wages or benefits.