
Gawker or its readers have no business calling anyone else racist.

You ever think that people like you make things racist, sexist, homophobic and the like because you bring it up right away? Like maybe you should just accept this for what it is and not throw the homophobic bullshit around because honestly you look like the homophobic, bigot, racist, sexist or whatever trigger word

Funny... looks like you beat all the bigots.

Funny... these comments were made and there are no signs of violence or anyone needing play doh and a safe space. Say the exact same thing but change white to black, gay, or anything else liberals would be cutting each other with their safety pins to reach their own safe space.

Gawker calling others racist.. .man you idiots make me laugh more and more every day.

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the

Provide the facts or GTFO

The Kardashian family is lucky we dont have mid life abortions.

Sadly I see all these updates really only benefit those who grind daily, hacked the money, or use real money to buy things you will never really have. For people who play this casually you’re stuck with purchasing money and I’m sorry but Knight Rider can suck a cock because that shit aint worth 40 bucks in shark cards.

I bet you’re not invited to dinner often.

Fuck. That.

Boo hoo hoo we lost so now we are going to compare everyone to Hitler and say that all white people and those who voted for Trump are racist. Usually the ones throwing the race card around are the most racist and if history tells us anything.... liberals are some racist, hating, motherfuckers.

Thats along the same lines Peter Thiel said to Gawker.

Anybody seen Tyler?

You put your safety pin on before that?

You referring to the article or Hillary Clinton supporters?

Yeah what fucking president loves America.... he’s so stupid youre right.

Be careful talking common sense around here. Half this tards spew shit they dont understand yet are too lazy to just fucking google it.

Because no one ever criticized Bush

Got that source to provide us or you just going to talk out your stupid ass like the rest of these people? If you cant back it shut the fuck up and get out.