
Facts... what are facts?

Thats funny because I’m 100% certain we have moved prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to different countries and even states within the United States. You are fucking dumb.

Probably because anyone who can fucking read understands what is really going on there.

I hate the Clintons too.

Bernie got hosed I agree. What a cunt that HRC is.

You whiny little bitch talking about “Trumpgrets” yet your candidate should be in jail on numerous felony charges.

Forgot one -

This place is the never ending pit of butt hurt over this election.

Hey you guys hear Michigan went to Trump yesterday?

Well I mean usually one of the first things to catch fire during rights are CVS stores sooooooo.....

I remember when the Black Panters were outside polling locations telling people to vote for Obama. Cunt.

You’re white and making it sound like its bad to be white. If it is bad to be white you should kill yourself so that you will no longer be a white person.

Typical dumb liberal fuck “I don’t know what Trump is or isn’t, but his behaviors and policies suggest that he accepts racism, sexism, antisemitism, and is anti-LGBTAQ.”

You dumb fucking cunt. Even Israel themselves have endorsed Trump. Cut your own fucking head off.

But we shouldnt worry about the people visiting Obamas white house over the years? Or the contributors to the clinton foundation?

Wait so talking about preying on women (made racial by the white comment) is not as bad as someone saying grab a pussy? You ignorant fucks make me giggle.

You box munchers are so desperate to make anything and everything look bad.

Another fine piece in liberal hypocrisy and stellar journalism coming from a sorry ass “media” site that got fucked by a gay guy.

lolz... you triggered sweet pea?

good thing only white people are racist