Liberal Sex Dog (Temporary)

“We’ve raised a generation of kids who don’t hate people on the basis of race, or they don’t hate somebody because they’re in love with somebody of the same gender”

Wait... You linked to The Gateway Pundit?!?!

Sure, and all the people calling in to report people speeding through the streets, ignoring stop signs, jaywalking, smoking within 25 feet of a building entrance, etc. are extremely helpful during this natural disaster.

... and to think there’s some good people still stuck in the grey

You know, I’m going to have to disagree with the pharmacy raiding being a “non-necessity.” My husband’s a type 1 diabetic. I’m bipolar. If we weren’t able to grab our meds/insulin/pump supplies/needles in time (which, I hope we’d be able to) or if they got waterlogged when we were trying to get out and up to higher

So this is what the anti-Kinja milieu was warning about...  

Yeah, fuck you Sean for talking about that other thing when you could be scolding black people like this totally reputable blog.

That situation is exactly the same! Here’s your totally not false equivalency trophy.

I know you posted this to be like, SEEE THE NEGROS ARE STEALING!!!!!111!!!

Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.

This has got to be the most stupid person on the internet... and I’ve seen some dumbasses.

Unless it spawns a new Robin Williams, I vehemently dispute the “perfect” descriptor.

I hate this shit.

I hate this shit.

*tumbleweed blows through the deserted comments section*

how is that Kinja working out for you all?

Well maybe if the theaters hadn’t switched to Kinja then people would still show up.

No love for his terrifyingly hilarious turn on Tim and Eric?

While I am still very cautious in my optimism, Leatherface coming from the directors of the super fucked up Inside means I am anticipating it more than any of the other TCM sequels, prequels, and remakes from no-name or shitty directors. I feel the same about the upcoming Jigsaw, I haven’t liked a Saw movie since the