
But you clearly have a moral compass. Kellyanne does not.

That’s a little harsh. What did spineless, worthless, cowardly motherfuckers ever do to you that you would compare them to Chaffetz?

I know we aren’t supposed to look shame but I see this group of assholes next to their predecessors and they’re definitely uglier. I think that much hate rots you from the inside.

He looks like a less buff but equally shitty Daniel Holtzclaw.

(edit: maybe not equally, but very very shitty nevertheless. Don’t want to minimize Holtzclaw’s insane awfulness in any way.)

Keep this man in your prayers.

Her clothes are boxy and short-waisted, with weird zippers and gold accents. I’ve come across things and tried them on out of curiosity but they all looked bad on me. There was one dress I liked on the hanger but when I put it on the waist came up two inches below my boobs and then sprang out from there. I looked

Judge Randy Stoker should be bombarded with actual mail to his home address, since, ya know — he hates the Internet and thinks it’s a good excuse for rape. But since I’m not privy his home address, he can be reached here:

“We have killers, we have the best killers! H. H. Holmes, Dahmer, Bundy, Manson, my son, Ramirez, Lizzie Borden, Albert Fish, Starkweather, Ed Gein, Gacey all proud red blooded Americans! USA! USA!”*

All this love for Bey performing at a festival owned by a far-right wing douchebag. He’s an asshole and so is she for going along with it.

So, I guess we all decided to forget that Coachella is run by a horrible regressive troll because Beyoncé? This is the opposite of admirable in my book.

I hate republicans now. Pre this election I could kinda listen to both sides are equally bad bs (they haven’t been since the eighties at the latest but I could humor this shit.) now I literally just wanna slap every conservative   I meet in the face. Hormone therapy is not helping

Honestly though, what we really need is brave blue staters to move into those gerrymandered red districts in the south and switch them blue.

If a couple million Californians moved to OH, PA, and FL instead, we would never have another Republican president and couple flip several senate seats.

Because they believe there is only one religion. Like Highlander, but with a lot more decapitations.

Counterpoint: move.

It will be women, possibly with McCain and/or Graham on occasion, who save this country. 

Pussy power. Balls are the most shriveled scared little shrinking violets a human body can have.

from my vantage point, even one would be more than all her peers combined.

It’s incredibly selfish considering all the actual problems in the world right now, but the first thing I think of when looking at this picture is “I haven’t been on a goddamn vacation in years....fuck these bitches in their sunglasses.”