
It was a lovely poem:

OLIVIA MUNN: ♪♫ Young Pope, get out of my mind ♪♫

She looks 12. A beautiful 12 year old girl, but 12. Only saying this because the idea that actual grown men are getting off on seeing her nude is grossing me out.

Modern country music is proof that intermarriage between cousins is a bad idea.

Unable to understand her slurred speech but requiring a statement, deputies repeatedly asked Willis what she was talking about.

Hemingway’s best short story was also his most succinct. It was one sentence long:

On our way!

With all respect, I’m sure McCain learned patience and the ability to play the long game when we was a POW.

So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.

...And Debbie Reynolds’ and Eddie Fisher’s marriage ended because Elizabeth Taylor had an affair with him, marrying him after he and Reynolds divorced. It’s like the Kardashian web of relationships except this web has talent.

This face and Johnny Depp’s current state are constant reminders that I rrrrreallly need to change my ways before it’s too late.

I know nothing about “This is Us” except that people always say “It will make you CRY SO MUCH!!!!!”

Also, given that shit they’re pulling in N. Carolina, its obvious that they don’t care about democracy or the will of the people.

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

I’m sorry for the following. But I must vent.

Add to your list, that they almost always exclude learning disabled or special needs students. That way their costs stay down and test scores go up. It is really discriminatory, and should be illegal.

Minority opinion: I’m sure Ronan Farrow is a good person or whatever and I wouldn’t wish his father on anyone, but his face looks smugly punchable in every photo of him I’ve ever see.

Sincere thanks to all of you at Jez and The Slot that continue to report this shit.

She probably thinks it’s “Tony Danza.”

I’ll add to your great list: move your ass to a red state and try to make a difference and influence people. I’ve been seriously considering it. North Carolina I’m looking at you...