
“Mike Huckabee is the fake-injured pedestrian on the Russian dashcam of politics.” Am I doing it right?

God I hope so. Richard Burr used to represent my hometown in Congress before he got to take up the statewide mantle in the Senate. I’ve been irritated (or worse) by that man’s everything for almost 20 years! Get him, Deborah! I voted early last week, and so did the rest of my family!

I’m driving voters on Saturday and Tuesday. In rural NC.

I dunno, I felt like it was pretty good advice. It boiled down to “get two dogs. Neither will be the “replacement”, but you’ll be too busy with the new ones to obsessively cry about the old”, right? I mean, yeah, he said “shelter dogs”, but so? Your analogy seems to be pretty dismissive of shelter dogs, TBH, as though

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

Megyn Kelly will still be the woman that spread that New Black Panthers standing outside a polling place shit and called a Black girl who was body slammed by a cop “no saint.” Unless she apologizes and acknowledges that she played to viewers racist fears to advance her career, she will never be redeemed.

Nah. The woman became top dog at Fox by playing on Fox viewers fear and hatred of Black people. She’s not suddenly likable because she’s laying into people like Trump and Gingrich.

You should use their actual names, Speaker Moonbase, Mayor Nine-Eleven and Gov. Bridgegate.

Really? If it was a dumb white person name like St John Smith Smyth Smith, but its pronounced “Throat Warbler Mangrove” and it was it was a Monty Python gag 45 years ago are you offended as well?

“...prolapsed asshole...”

To carry it one ridiculous step forward. If you give birth and don’t keep the baby that would (probably) be called adoption. So adoption=abortion?

I have IBS and my doctor told me that I can’t afford this drug.

My mom was two months premature all on her own. I was a month early due to suddenly causing mom’s blood pressure to skyrocket and they had to remove me. They called it a C-section tho, not abortion.

When asked to comment on the precious, the Clinton campaign responded “And now at last it comes. You will give me the Presidency freely! In place of the Orange Fascist you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow

Until I watched the debate, I didn’t realize that our 7 week old daughter aborted herself.

He’s so evil not even Death wants to touch him

This probably applies to pussies, too.

It would be a major civil liberty violation to make them unable to turn them off in the bathroom tho.

My mother actually worked in the Necco Candy factory in Boston one high school summer. She said all the old immigrant ladies encouraged her to do what her Mom said and go on to college, so she wouldn’t be stuck in factory work forever, that she was too smart for that.

Billy Ora?