
Theory: Ivanka has never met her father

Hmmm... these are huge, sorry.

These Double Creature choices are not to be understood, so let’s provide our own. Last week I put in one of Trump posing next to a bottom-feeding fish with yuge puckered orangey-pink lips. There were others in the comments, including my favorite, a windblown Trump next to a windblown horse’s rear. A link to this

“In other news, Tom Cruise is obsessed with cryotherapy because he fears old age,...”

Lord have mercy, they misspelled Y’all. Clearly, someone on the publishing team is trying real hard.

There Must Be Some Misunderstanding.

I just don’t think this will harm the GOP on the local and state level. That’s where they are doing their best evil work. I’m in Texas so my lens may be distorted by the pack of jizzbags protesting planned parenthood down the street and the banner on 75 I saw yesterday that said something along the lines of trump or

I am seriously worried about what these unhinged morons are going to do when he loses. The supporters with yard signs have half a dozen and some of them are vile.

I swear, people who pose for pictures with animals they just killed are fucking psychopaths.

She also refuses to kiss her dad, which is cool.

Strangely, I thought that this comment was directed entirely at the fourth one, the hidden daughter who looks like a decent human being (at least she isn’t sponsoring hideous things or harrassing people or killing wildlife, which is incredible in such a family.

WAH!! I don’t even like cats but he killed a giant kitty!! What a fucker.

No, I’m sure she was. I mean, we’d already seen the Skittles tweet, and Jr. constantly retweeting white supremacists. They’re really not very admirable people.

I wish Hillary was Pagan and Wiccan. They rock.

I live in Houston proper (solidly blue; the suburbs are purple to red), but work in the coast (solidly red). It’s a weird dichotomy to see on a daily basis. My business school class chat that is constantly going on has two non Hillary supporters (one trump and one Johnson), all the while I hear pro trump bullshit at

I will never fully (I have heard lots of reasons, but still...) understand why she reduces people to such frightened ninnies.

Along with this picture below the letter:

It was goddamn glorious, wasn’t it?