
Exactly, and they don’t see the the irony either.

Who knows someone who can get you this job!?!? Or you can post a new one here every week since we all enjoy yours more

Who picks these Double Creatures anyway? There are other creatures than just cats and dogs.

THIS! Most child molesters are straight(-identified) cis males. Most sexual assault—and any sexual touching of a child is assault—is about power, not about sex. Why don’t people get that? Most sexual assault victims KNOW their abuser—more often than not he’s a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, an uncle, a cousin, a

People in North Carolina are literally drowning right now and they’re talking about Caitlin Jenner and what shower she’d use?

The GOP can and has put people in the White house without the support of POC. Why would they care?

Why do these GOP donors only want their money back NOW? The blatant racism wasn’t enough? I refuse to believe any of them are offended for real. They just don’t want to look bad now that it looks like he’s not going to win.

I am in NC. Franklin Graham is riding the Bullet Train to Hell- if Hell exists.

I really think they do believe that. That’s why Trump defended himself with “Bill Clinton has said worse things to me on the golf course.” That was his initial remark, not bringing up that Bill was also accused of sexual assault— because he and his people clearly thought the word pussy was the problem, not the

Yes, yes! No, bragging about your sexual assaults is not normal. This is just an attempt to reframe the discussion to normalacy. No...what Trump said is a felony if you do it. That is why Trump is still foaming at the mouth days later, and threatening Hillary with jail during Sunday’s debate. Pretty obviously, Trump’s

they all need this right about now

This is me when I keep hearing people talk about how it’s just “locker room talk”. I’ve said some sexist, misogynistic shit in my time (I’m not PROUD of that and I’ve apologized for it) but I’ve never sexually assaulted women OR BRAGGED ABOUT IT.

Not only that – I’m quite sick of the equivocators, enablers and excuse-makers trying to frame the problem as “pearl-clutching over language” when the real thing (normal, decent) people are taking issue with is the normalizing of harassment.

May I point you to “They used the pyramids as grain silos” perhaps?

I had to save it in my phone and now i hate you.

The worst part of all of this, is that everything that we are forced to endure now (“lock her up” etc) are things that will be amplified throughout her presidency.

The worst part of all of this, is that everything that we are forced to endure now (“lock her up” etc) are things that will be amplified throughout her presidency. It’s not going to be magically over once she wins and he loses. However impossible it might seem, their whorling will become ever louder, drowning out