
Spoiler alert:

Do you have money? ‘cause you might just be husband #2. She’s 46 so Trump should be dumping her soon.

Kasich also came in a distant fourth to both these morons, so I hope he’s not feeling too pleased.

Back when Giuliani was running his kids refused to endorse him or show up for him. His daughter is publicly working for Clinton. Kids can stand on their own principles.


Surely Mark Cuban can dig around his couch cushions and come up with the 5 million. For America.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

Altoids are an abomination. Even denouncing trump wouldnt make me forget that.

This is why I was so disgusted when Jeb tried to walk back HW telling a room full of people that he plans to vote for Hillary by saying his father is old (true) and doesn’t know what he’s saying or to who (not remotely true). If HW had some kind of debilitating dementia or senility, which there is no evidence of,

It’s a good fantasy. I like it. We made fun of him when he was President, but at least he had the good G-D sense to get out of a war in the middle east after three days. His son, The Shrub, is so mentally impaired compared to him that we’re still fighting the damn war he started.

Or...what if it was HW, the Don Corleone of WASP America? Most unlikely but that’d be pretty damn hysterical.

Glad it was leaked. This cover was meant to happen.

Those poor cats.

Pussycat Dome!

I read this somewhere earlier today - trying to discuss this election with Trump followers is like trying to discuss good nutrition with the raccoons eating out of your garbage at midnight. I plan on using it

Trump people: “Hillary should smile more. She’s so cold.”

Short of turning liberal, there is obviously nothing terrible enough to put off Trump’s base. They revel in his depravity.

I heard a lady on NPR the other day who was pro-Trump because Hillary, “spent the whole debate flirting with the camera.”

Omg my boyfriend and I are obsessed with the D’Onofrio years of Criminal Intent.