
Oh my God, I just have to share this, folks!

I think that is probably accurate. I spent most of the weekend with my sort-of-in-laws and there was a lot of if we can just get Trump in there talk. It is as if they think he is going to just disappear after inauguration and bibles will just start falling from the sky. I did a lot of internal screaming over the last

I think it’s about putting women - and minorities- back in “their place”. Both Trump and Pence have signaled their disgust with civil rights progress for women and minorities. I think that’s far more important to evangelicals than Trump’s personal history, because he’s a man, so he gets a pass.

What I don’t understand is why Tiffany even took part at the convention”. ‘Cuz she got paid.

Oh I remember the whole thing — I was in my early 40s at the time. Donald ran after Marla like a dog in heat. Everybody thought he was an idiot to throw over his marriage and break up his family because he had a case of hot pants. But he had to own Marla.

“Why implement more gun laws when we already have 19,000 gun laws on the books that we’re not enforcing?”

The pic that’s circulating of him in his hospital bed with his parents flanking him had me sobbing. It really drives home how much suffering these school shootings cause. But then again, if Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to spur gun laws to change, I’m not optimistic. My heart breaks for this family and every other victim

A part of me thinks (hopes?) that she just showed up and paid lip service because he’s paying for school and she doesn’t actually support his policies.

Uhh. No. Marla didn’t “get her ass knocked up.” Trump knocked her up. Women don’t “get themselves pregnant.” Some tool who refused to wear a condom did.

“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.

At first glance, I read that as “in which I pet kittens and philosophers”. Sure, it makes *more sense* upon a second read, but the mental image is far less entertaining. Nietzsche curled up & getting scratched under the chin is easily the imaginative highlight of my morning.

my worst Miss U.

Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Me too. I’m hoping more women start to speak out, I would be so happy if Melania files for divorce and goes balls to the wall telling every single news outlet what a truly horrible person he is and endorses Clinton a week before Election Day... a girl can dream

It’s mind-blowing. It is. Even during the debate, Trump insisted how mean the ads were. YES THEY ARE MEAN BECAUSE YOU’RE THE MONSTER THAT SAID IT!

Yes where is Cuba story? Again not surprised.

So his standard hiring qualification is how tumescent he is around a woman?

This is the ultimate culmination of two decades of growing and grooming this segment of the electorate via the Fox News propaganda machine. Like moths to a flame.