
That is the problem with all his fucking dumb supporters. They are too fucking ignorant (Trump included) to understand how the economy works - honestly the freaking out about the national debt, it’s not the same as your credit card you fucking idiots.

+1 star for ‘shitlord’, my new favorite word!

I keep telling people, the “fallout” from trump fucking up our bonds and crashing the global economy would probably exceed that of an actual nuclear war. More people would die, just not quite as rapidly.

But remember, DDs are better than AAs in Trumpland, so it’ll be fine. Better, even!

Just one of the many reasons why being “successful” at business doesn’t mean you’ll be successful at government. Running a company and running a country are two very different things.

“That’s what makes him smart.”

Cheating? New?

But so would Donald and therein lies the problem.

The great irony of this election is that the very people who Trump is likely to rip off in this way in his business practices are the ones who are most likely to vote for him. It’s long been the case that blue collar conservative Republican’s have voted contrary to their own self interests, mobilized by emotional

Jesus Christ I want to punch them so bad. It’s a satisfaction that would nourish me through prison.

Hell, I would not blame Canada for building one.

Truth.....when Drumpf stated he was smart to not pay any taxes, all the Trump supporters jumped to his defense, saying “You wouldn’t pay any taxes if you could do it, either”. When I pointed out that by not paying his fair share, the burden falls to those who DO pay taxes - like the middle and working class Trump

It’s because in their heads they’re always the stealers, never the stealees.

Did you see the article by the ethicists saying that voting third party is unethical? Presumably this falls under the same category - because more harm will come to more people, even if it doesn’t harm you personally, not voting in a way that helps elect a rational human being is unethical.

And even if there was--even if we got someone amazing, once in a lifetime, brilliantly progressive--our entire system of government is designed to minimize their influence. True change takes decades of continuous effort under the American system. Hell, we won’t even begin to see the beginnings of change until 2020

The one that annoys me is when people talk about giving someone “free reign”. The saying is about giving your horse its head, dadgumit, it should be spelled “free rein”.

I kind of thought “we didn’t like JFK but we like Hillary” was a pretty strong message.

I just called my life long Rush Limbaugh worshipping dad for his birthday and even he admitted she won. This is a man who told me as late as 2013 that Obama is a Muslim. Dude. If he gets it all the douchbags selling this “tie” bullshit should be ashamed of themselves. But we all know they won’t.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

Sometimes I think it would be nice to go through life like TheDonald, completely unfettered by any sense of personal responsibility or feelings of shame, guilt, remorse or embarrassment. Then I think nah.