
That’s awesome, and the main reason I want to try it. I have always been interested in genealogy and family history.

Still processing, but I think this one is my favorite.

Comfort is the best policy as far as I am concerned, which is where a lot of my anxiety comes from... if that makes sense? I just don’t see the need to try to get people to like me, so I worry all of the good friends will look me over. I will be the quiet one sitting in the corner staring at everyone trying to figure

oooh I like those! I love dresses in the summer, but I always end up feeling like my ass is hanging out. I will have to try these. Thanks for the tip!

Whaat?? I admittedly haven’t read the privacy policy, but that has got to be the biggest bull I’ve ever read. I should be more surprised though. I have been interested in the idea for a long time, but haven’t really done much research. I’m sorry I perpetuated the idea now!! I just heard it on the radio this morning,

But... But... it’s on SALE!!!!! ;)

That’s exactly how I felt!! (In another post I admitted it made me cry I was so devastated) I know Portland has a weird vibe to it, but after I read that, I was like oh my god I am so boring, this will never work out! I’m also so shy, I’m worried about finding a group. Then I realized, thanks to the lovely commenters,

Apparently I am not the only one that NEEDS those bike shorts... Free People’s website is refusing to cooperate.

Awww. :) I will be e-mailing! Thank you.

I feel welcome already! Thank you for relieving my obviously unwarranted anxiety! I can’t wait to get out there. :)

:) I’m so glad to hear that, and I know better! I have family/friends in the Portland area.. I just like things to worry about.

I wear very little makeup, but I do enjoy it. I’m in the process of moving to Portland, and that post made me have all kinds of little doubts about myself, so thank you for saying that. It’s the little things, haha.

First, I want to say everyone looks beautiful... before and after. I think it would be fun to do this, but I’m so shy. I didn’t know we could take a friend, Jane!!

Are you ill? What’s wrong with you?

I’m having to give this a lot of thought. I was so painfully shy.... I DON’T WANT TO THINK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE TRACY. They were awkward times, and now I feel bad for my lack of self confidence back then. THANKS!! ;)

waaah!! Why didn’t this turn into a show off your pretty engagement rings thread?!?!! I Thee Dread! Get on it!!!!!!

That right there. No thank you, go be young and dumb somewhere else.

My littlest cat is afraid of thunder, and it’s storming pretty heavily so I’m sitting with her watching her nervously eat all of my houseplants. Mr. Libr is already asleep. (9p Sat)

Cry! I’m there now, and I find crying works the best.

Her shoes are so narrow!! My feet flattened over this last year, so I can’t wear one of them anymore. I’m so sad, but I still try to occasionally shove my feet in there just in case. We have a Kate Spade Outlet out here, and it is heaven on earth. I cried the first time I saw it.