Ugh, this is why we can’t have nice things!
Ugh, this is why we can’t have nice things!
Aww. He’s so handsome!!
Hahah, I know!! I apologize on her behalf. She’s honestly really sweet most of the time, she just has so much personality.
Aw! I wish I had a picture of my keyboard cat on my work computer. She is the master at that. She knows the second you start doing something important. When I was in grad school, I could be on the computer for hours doing nothing, but the second I opened a Word document she was crawling into my lap giving me side eye.
This is my tiniest cat’s favorite game. It is not optional.
One time I got 3 pairs of Kate Spade shoes for under $100 because I happened to find them in my size at a buy 1 get 2 free sale at some store I had never been to, and have not been back to since. I believe it was fate.
When I was moving into my dorm freshman year, a girl ran up to me and exclaimed that we looked exactly alike... I didn’t see it, but I went with it until I could retreat to my dorm room because social skills are hard, ya know?
I basically did this to my boyfriend. Every special event I would ask, Oh my god.. is this it? Are you going to propose here?