
The thing is, anyone who lives in NYC already understands why people leave it. It’s never been a mystery why people would leave. It all comes down to the fact that it’s expensive.

I honestly, truly believe he is suffering from dementia and not fit to serve as president.

I hope the AARP goes after not only Trump but Congressional Republicans who are salivating at the idea of fucking over elderly poor.

They’re not going to be so happy when they find out what’s being proposed for their health insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare. Which is the opposite of what SCROTUS promised....

I know! It’s like we’ve gone through the Looking Glass.

Trump is basically trying to gaslight the entire country.

Clearly, Obama is tapping Trump’s brain wires, because Trump is bizarrely obsessed with Barack Obama.

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

Anyone he picks will probably be just as backwards as Scalia was so I doubt it’ll really have that much of an impact.

Omg that woman was a freaking rock. Brava, and I’m so sorry on behalf of our beyond fucked country.

Yeah, I like how people keep forgetting the fact that one of his dumb shit sons said, blatantly, that they owe “hundreds of millions” of dollars to Russians. Like everything else bad that a Republican does, it gets a shrug. Because Hillary used a private email server (just like her predecessor, not that anyone cares.)

Low, if he gives zero fucks about the 25/8 commitment to the job nor expects it from his appointees (some regard it as a thing they can do in their spare time), this will not take him off the prime directive of promoting his brand and fingerblasting his daughter.

That’s my response to every utterance of his name, along with “Just shut up, you fucking imbecile.”

So we’re really gonna do this, huh? This is actually happening? And how do I know I’m not in a coma somewhere hallucinating all this?

“At the end of 8 years”. Oh go fuck yourself

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

The fact that he can sit there and laugh is perfect too, because it’s what is expected of him and is extremely damaging to their argument and to their mind frame as a whole. No one on Trump’s team are people who don’t mind being laughed at, so the ability to both shut them down and essentially say “lol k” at the same

He’s doing better to pin her down than almost any actual newspeople.