
Yes, but a strong actor can make an impact with even a small and/or underwritten role. She…did not…

The whisper-speak and the over-enunciation drive me mad.

HuluPlus has it. Same price per month, but….commercials… :-/

The commercial breaks suck but as far as legal routes go it does have some things that can't be found elsewhere in streaming format

HuluPlus has it.

BBC programming is pretty much all I watch on Netlfix. If it goes away, I'll be decamping for Amazon Instant.

Agreed re: Jasmine's mom.

Dylan pretty clearly told him she liked him at "maybe a 2."At his hosue she hung out with Nora and Kristina more than with him. Max was the one who blew things out of proportion, AND GOT MOST OF HIS DATING ADVICE OFF THE INTERNET. Never a good idea.

I thought the kid was just saying it to be a smartass (a reference to a band an "old guy" like Crosby would go to see).

And wouldn't they have at LEAST one in-house school psychologist???

Because that's just his personality. He grew up in an unstable environment, financially and otherwise, and hated it because he is a thoughtful, responsible, introverted, and sensitive guy and he doesn't want to see those patterns repeated. I love Amber, but she is not one of the Practical Bravermans (Camille, Adam,

Yep, it was totally Nice Guy Syndrome, Asperger's style. :-(

I actually thought she had some compassion for Dylan's feelings. It's not like she was begging Dylan to date her son. She likes the girl. When Dylan came over to the house I think the two of them could actually have had a decent, respectful talk if Max hadn't come downstairs. But otherwise? Yeah, totally inappropriate

She needed to support Max and I get that and respect it. And she did it without demonizing Dylan, which was good. But she and Adam really do need to clearly explain the line between appropriate romance and the sort of rom-com-trope BS that can lead to creepy stalking. Because that put Dylan in a really bad position

Harley Jane Kozak was her name. I didn't even have to go to IMDb for that. She was on Guiding Light back in the day, which I watched faithfully in college. ;-)

Max was my Braverman of the Week. Mostly because Adam and Kristina are on my nerves more often than not, and his whole speech about "The Man" cracked me up. Sarah was my runner-up for having to deal with Ruby's bullshit.

It is an attempted rape in the book and I am hoping Ron Moore discussed this in his podcast tomorrow. It think it *felt* like it was carried through because it was in sow motion and because of Claire's reaction afterward, but that reaction was more about her killing him. Again, at least it was in the book. I hope that

Not hating these recaps by any means, and I am enjoying the commentary on the feminist aspects, but I would love for them to be a bit more detailed and in-depth. These just feel a little too…brief compared to the AV Club reviews of other series.

In the books, Claire was born on October 20, 1918, and Jamie was born on May 1, 1721. But the novel starts in May 1946/1743 not in October 1946/1743, so that messes things around a bit. In the book they start out as 27 and 22.

I thought Jamie's height was from the MacKenzie side (since Jenny is quite petite). So I expected Brian to be strongly-built but shorter than Jamie and the MacKenzie men, perhaps even shorter than Ellen. Brian is a Celt; the MacKenzies are Vikings.