
Agreed. I am a big fan of the books, and I love period detail, but I would say that the three things I admire most about the books are the characters, the stories, and the research. Her writing style is not the draw for me.

Isaacs was always who I pictured when reading the books (even though he is not quite physically "right").

He hasn't "gone all the way" with a girl, but he has kissed and fondled a few. Case in point: Laoghaire. ;-)

Yep, 22. And a devout Catholic.

"Just kill him already. Why rip someone to absolute shreds? "

Yes, there was actually a conspiracy theory going around that the UK was purposely blocking the show so as not to stir up sympathy for Scottish independence. ;-)

Agreed. Hers was the more difficult job in that scene, IMO.

Randall is a sadist. He is interested in inflicting pain and seeing how far he can go before people capitulate to that pain.

I love love love Murtagh full stop. He is a great character in the book, and Duncan Lacroix is killing it with his portrayal. Can't wait for the Murtagh moments in next week's episode. ;-)

I think she's very smart. But she is also impulsive and headstrong (and very much a woman of her time and place), and that leads her to act in a way that is dangerous for her and others. However, I think this episode is a huge reality-check for her.

Yep. Dougal's primary concern is always his own agenda.

Absolutely! I just always wonder why people stick with a show for so many episodes if they don't really enjoy it (and pace is pretty typical for most of the episodes so far). I guess I have less patience than you do! Also, I have zero time and energy for hate-watching and hate-reading; there are so many choices of

Yes, I'm not sure what earned the minus. Unless she's just leaving room for even better eps to come.

He is amazing. So chilling. I could not be happier with the casting here.

Exactly. She is supposedly a widow; he would assume she's not a virgin from that alone.

Yes, that was exactly my theory. He has to show off and act more "manly" in front of the other guys.

The costumes have been wonderful overall, but there were some real stunners in this episode.

I am also enjoying Angus and Rupert quite a bit. Their roles in the book were much smaller.

Nope. If it continues to follow the books he doesn't appear till next season. He would be too young at this point (maybe 12 or so?).

Exactly. That oath-taking scene shows that he is a quick thinker and natural diplomat and problem-solver. Dougal is right to be worried; Jamie is a natural leader and has much less of a personal agenda than does Dougal.